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Best Australian banks for incoming expats

Best Australian banks for incoming expats
Expats looking to move to Australia to take up a new job with find banking more straightforward than in many other countries. When a move to another country is part of a career plan, one of the most challenging requirements is often the availability of a bank account before the actual move takes place. Expats heading for Australia are in...

Are offshore bank accounts the best solution for expat professionals

Are offshore bank accounts the best solution for expat professionals
Whatever your motivation for moving overseas, getting an offshore bank account is the sensible option. In the main, offshore bank accounts aren’t just for money launderers, tax avoiders and the seriously wealthy as they make good sense for expats working overseas as well as for retirees. If you’ve relocated for work reasons and are...

Expats looking to buy property in Australia hit by 7 per cent surcharge

Expats looking to buy property in Australia hit by 7 per cent surcharge
Foreigners looking to buy a home in Western Australia will be charged a seven per cent surcharge starting next January. According to last week’s confirmation by the Western Australia Treasury department, the current four per cent surcharge is to be increased to seven per cent, starting on January 1 next year. The increased charge will...

Is there a catch to the expat retirement dream

Is there a catch to the expat retirement dream
The world is full of places just waiting for expats to arrive and change their lives for the better. Dreams of living in a land where the sun shines every day draw literally millions of would-be expats to create new lives, but it seems that taking the plunge simply to save money on essentials might be the cause of the dream turning to a...

New Europeans Green Card for Europe plan now in second phase

New Europeans Green Card for Europe plan now in second phase
The New Europeans campaign group are now launching their next phase in the fight for citizens whose lives are in chaos due to Brexit. The first phase of the group’s campaign launched the idea of a Green Card for Europe allowing expats to continue their lives as normal despite the referendum’s final outcome. The Green Card scheme would...

UK expat private pensioners concerned over lack of news on passporting rights

UK expat private pensioners concerned over lack of news on passporting rights
Fears over the post-Brexit loss of access to private pensions are stalking the British expat community overseas. At the present time, cross-border financial services allow the ‘passporting’ of private pensions from the UK to all other EU member states, a facility which will cease once Brexit is a done deal unless special arrangements...

Demystifying expat car insurance

Demystifying expat car insurance
Insurance, whether for house, health, business or car is often a nightmare for newly arrived expats, especially if they can’t yet get by in the local language. The positive on this subject is car insurance, the requisites for which don’t seem to differ much from country to country. Prices, however, are another matter and range from...

Failed French car registration software causes fury and court cases

Failed French car registration software causes fury and court cases
Massive backlogs in processing new car registrations are causing furious motorists to head to French courts. If you’re about to emigrate to France and are planning on treating yourself to a new car once you’ve arrived, perhaps you should hold back for a while. French citizens and expats alike are caught up in a huge logjam caused by...

Denmark extends special expat tax scheme time limit to seven years

Denmark extends special expat tax scheme time limit to seven years
The Danish government has announced plans to improve its skilled workers’ special tax scheme. Denmark’s research tax scheme allows expat professionals able to meet certain criteria to use a 26 per cent concessionary rate plus the eight per cent contribution to the labour market fund giving benefits for unemployment, sickness and...

Shanghai crowned best expat city for sixth year running

Shanghai crowned best expat city for sixth year running
Yet again, Shanghai has been voted the best Chinese city for international expats. The Amazing China Poll has now been running for eight years, out of which Shanghai has topped the list of best Chinese city for international expats for six years in a row. The city’s expat community makes up 23.7 per cent of the total of foreigners living...