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Learning the language opens up new vistas for expats in France

Learning the language opens up new vistas for expats in France
Whatever your reason for leaving your home country, if you’re planning to move to France it’s important to have a better than working knowledge of the language. Whether you’re moving to take up a new job, planning to start a small business or retiring in a country more suited to your needs and wants, learning the local language...

Visa options for retirees heading for Thailand

Visa options for retirees heading for Thailand
Checking all Thailand’s visa options for those over 50 years of age is the best way to ensure a trouble-free retirement. Thailand is a perennially popular destination for expat retirees due to its tropical weather, low cost of living, established expat communities and inexpensive housing options. However, over the past few years, many...

Unstable political effects on world currencies

Unstable political effects on world currencies
Unstable political situations are becoming the norm rather than the exception in the 21st century, and there’s no sign at present of their becoming any less extreme. The average British expat may or may not have any idea how political events affect world currencies, but might do well to get to grips with the fact that financial plans...

Christmas comes early for UK and EU expats as residence rights guaranteed

Christmas comes early for UK and EU expats as residence rights guaranteed
A last-minute breakthrough in talks between Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker this Friday morning has resulted in the best news in years for EU and UK expats. Britons living across Europe and the three million EU citizens in the UK can finally get on with their lives knowing the draft agreement guarantees their rights to live, work or...

Survey shows French favourites for retirement and second homes

Survey shows French favourites for retirement and second homes
For Britons considering retiring as expats in France but unable to make up their minds as to an exact location, choosing a town beloved by French second-home owners might solve your dilemma. France has always been one of the most popular European mainland destinations for Britishers seeking a second home or a permanent retirement refuge,...

British expat retirees hit by massive scam and arrest of IFA firm CEO

British expat retirees hit by massive scam and arrest of IFA firm CEO
QROPS retirement savers are concerned for their offshore pensions’ futures as one provider’s CEO is arrested and another provider closes down. QROPS, first launched in 2006, have been favourites with expats and British pension savers approaching retirement age for over a decade, although the role of overseer taken by HMRC has...

Brexit blessings and curses for expats depend on currency

Brexit blessings and curses for expats depend on currency
Brexit could be seen as either a blessing or a curse for expats, dependent on the source of their incomes and the currency in which they’re paid. The referendum result had an immediate effect on expat finances due to the fall in sterling, which has continued almost uninterrupted during the chaotic Brexit negotiations. UK expats relying...

Indonesia to ban all cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin

Indonesia to ban all cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin
In a surprise announcement, Indonesia has vowed to ban all forms of cryptocurrency including Bitcoin, as it considers the rupiah is under threat. Bank Indonesia governor Agus Martowardojo made the Bitcoin announcement as part of a basket of remedies for the ongoing unhealthy business practices, arbitrations and business control by parties...

Why do expatriates love Shanghai

Why do expatriates love Shanghai
Statistic show over 200,000 expats are now living and working in Shanghai, enjoying a lifestyle based on technology, innovation and change. The huge city itself is a unique and diverse blend of Eastern and Western cultures, ancient history and modernity and endless business opportunities both on-and offline. Given that China is famously...

US expats at risk from IRS investigation of bitcoin trades

US expats at risk from IRS investigation of bitcoin trades
American bitcoin traders both in the home country and overseas are at risk from IRS investigation for failing to declare their bitcoin trades. The US tax authority is looking to close the loophole of tax-free bitcoin trades by both US residents and expats as it considers tax on the trading profits from the virtual currency should go to...