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Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats

Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats
Virtual viewing for expats looking to move house is now the latest way to circumvent the pandemic’s effect on everyday life. With the door now closed on open-house viewings, virtual home tours are filling the gap for both potential buyers as well as real estate agencies’ businesses. Given that Prague is now a favourite location for...

Finding a job in France as a newly arrived expat

Finding a job in France as a newly arrived expat
If you’re determined to exit the UK on a permanent basis before Brexit finally kicks in at the end of this year, keeping ahead of the ever-changing news about the pandemic is essential. No-one’s certain how the pandemic will have changed Europe, although it’s certain the bloc’s economy as a whole will still be struggling at the...

Online ESL courses come to the fore in Nanjing

Online ESL courses come to the fore in Nanjing
Expat English teachers in Nanjing are now adjusting to online classes. English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers in Nanjing are now being forced to adjust to a new way of online teaching. The massive Chinese city has long been a hub for ESL teachers, with a huge number of both public and private schools providing the service to Chinese...

Australians married to Thai wives denied access to repatriation

Australians married to Thai wives denied access to repatriation
Australian spouses married to Thai women are being denied seats on repatriation flights from Oz to Thailand. The controversy surrounding Thailand’s decision to close its borders to all foreigners until further notice is hitting hard on Australian nationals married to Thai wives. Denied access to their homes and families in Thailand due...

Is Japan’s highly priced lifestyle worth it for expat professionals?

Is Japan’s highly priced lifestyle worth it for expat professionals?
If Japan’s always been your destination of choice, checking your actual cost of living before you go is the best idea. There are three reasons for Japan’s consistent ratings as an expensive expat location – Tokyo itself, the Japanese culture and its geographic location. Taking its location first, the archipelago lies 124 miles from...

Expats in Greece find everything they’re missing in the home country

Expats in Greece find everything they’re missing in the home country
The good news for would-be expats looking to explore Greece as a suitable home from home is that the country is planning to open to tourism by July. Although Greece isn’t as yet as popular a British expat destination as Spain and France, for those who’ve been there and loved every minute it’s close to being the perfect location for...

UK minister tells Brit expats not to plan on leaving the UK

UK minister tells Brit expats not to plan on leaving the UK
British government tells expat professionals and holidaymakers not to plan overseas travel. Citing Britain’s war against the coronavirus as the reason for his advice, UK Transport Minister Grant Shapps warned those wishing to leave the UK not to take overseas trips or holidays, no matter what the reason. Travel, he said, might not be...

Using lockdown time to determine your next expat destination

Using lockdown time to determine your next expat destination
For expats who’re at present trapped in another lockdowned country, planning your future location can while away the hours. Expatriation is like a drug to many seasoned world travellers, with a huge choice of diverse countries out there waiting to be explored. From digital nomads to expat professionals, moving on is something to look...

British expats in Spain looking to Portugal for their next move

British expats in Spain looking to Portugal for their next move
Pre–Brexit Brit expat exodus from Spain sees Portuguese property prices soar. As the coronavirus pandemic causes fears that life in the Costas won’t ever be the same again, concerns about Brexit are adding to the numbers of British expats in Spain deciding on Portugal as their preferred home from home. The numbers of those preparing...

Expat favourite Malaysia MM2H visa worth nothing during the pandemic

Expat favourite Malaysia MM2H visa worth nothing during the pandemic
Would-be expats looking to Malaysia as their ‘second home’ should note the country’s behaviour during this difficult time towards those already on this popular permanent residency visa. Malaysia’s ‘My Second Home (MM2H) visa has been popular with expats including retirees since its introduction, as it seemingly guarantees...