Spain News - Emigrate UK Page 10

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Expats in Spain battle for homes

Posted on March 14, 2012 in Spain UK
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Expats in Spain battle for homes
As reported by This Is Money, expats in Spain are battling to save their homes after losing their life savings to an Icelandic bank's equity release programme. Hundreds of forgotten UK victims of failed bank Landsbanki are now on the verge of having their properties foreclosed after a legal battle of four years. Many victims are retired...

Brain drain hits Spain

Posted on January 27, 2012 in Spain
STORY LINK Brain drain hits Spain
Brain drain hits Spain
The Spanish population is shrinking for the first time in recent history due to a slow but steady wave of emigration. Highly-educated Spaniards are searching for work in different countries, as well as hundreds of thousands of immigrants returning home. Despite Spain’s high unemployment rates, many of the people leaving the country are...