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Would be expat retirees warned over dodgy investments

Posted on January 22, 2018 in Finance Legal UK
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Would be expat retirees warned over dodgy investments
If you’re looking to plan for an expat retirement in a totally new environment, you need to take care your investments are secure. According to a scary report by Britain’s Financial Service Compensation Scheme, some 80 per cent of claims against dodgy IFAs involved investments in possibly fraudulent schemes such as storage lockers and...

Milan set to lure UK asset managers post Brexit

Milan set to lure UK asset managers post Brexit
As uncertainty soars over the post-Brexit fate of the City of London, Milan ratchets up its efforts to lure asset managers and other financiers. An Italian governmental delegation is set to visit London over the next several weeks in order to attract asset managers from the City of London to the Italian capital’s financial hub. The...

New financial rules expat investors need to know

Posted on January 12, 2018 in Finance UK
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New financial rules expat investors need to know
Wherever expats are in the EU, they need to know about the changing face of investments caused by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MifidII) is the result of a huge rethink of relationships between investors, finance professionals and the markets themselves. It’s the second...

Understanding the nuts and bolts of French property purchase

Understanding the nuts and bolts of French property purchase
France has been the chosen retirement destination for Britons for several decades to date, and the Brexit threat doesn’t seem to have lessened its eternal appeal. Property sales in France are rising again as Britons are deciding to take a chance and move across the English Channel before Brexit finally kicks in. Property prices, except...

Statistics show fewer Brits heading for retirement in Europe

Statistics show fewer Brits heading for retirement in Europe
Statistics are showing a sharp decrease in the numbers of Brit retirees abandoning the home country and setting up in European destinations. According to statistics recently released by the Office of National Statistics, the number of British state pensioners drawing their pensions whilst living in one of the major European retirement...

USA based ETFs and investment trusts delisted by Hargreaves Lansdown

USA based ETFs and investment trusts delisted by Hargreaves Lansdown
US expats living and working in the UK could be hit by the removal of exchange traded funds and investment trusts from a popular investment platform. Hargreaves Lansdown’s fund supermarket gives a convenient, inexpensive way for US expat working overseas to save for their eventual retirements through investing in exchange traded funds...

Best investments for expats are northern powerhouse buy-to-lets

Best investments for expats are northern powerhouse buy-to-lets
For would-be expats in the process of selling their homes and leaving the UK, it’s still a good time to consider re-investing your capital in British buy-to-let property once you’re overseas. Low interest rates, the weak pound and affordable property prices outside London, the home counties and the South East have resulted in a surge...

Is relocating to Europe during Brexit negotiations a good idea?

Is relocating to Europe during Brexit negotiations a good idea?
The Brexit leave vote came at a bad time for many would-be expats planning an escape from the UK, but is it safe to go ahead as things stand at the moment? Whether to go or stay is a crucial question without an easy answer, as there’s no indication of certainty in anything which has been agreed to date between the two sides. Expat...

Top expat retirement havens for 2018

Posted on January 4, 2018 in General Emigration News UK
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Top expat retirement havens for 2018
Results of a recent survey show the top ten listings for expat retirement are changing fast. International Living’s Annual Global Retirement Index 2018 has some surprises in store for retirees searching for the perfect place to begin their new lives. The survey itself has been updated with several new categories, and covers the...

British expat retirees worldwide feel the pain of shrinking sterling

British expat retirees worldwide feel the pain of shrinking sterling
Brexit’s effect on sterling has eroded the spending power of hundreds of thousands of British expats worldwide. Whether they’re struggling on an already less than generous UK state pension, have top-ups from personal pensions or are receiving an income from investments, the reality is that the value of their monthly incomes has fallen...