UK News - Emigrate UK Page 8

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Getting a buy to let mortgage on an existing expat property

Getting a buy to let mortgage on an existing expat property
If you’re moving overseas to take on the expat job of a lifetime, what’s the best way to cope with your UK property? Moving overseas to take on a career-enhancing position isn’t something the vast majority of ambitious Brit professionals could refuse, but the complication of having a UK home and keeping it can cause a dilemma....

New Home Secretary brings bad news for expats seeking jobs in the UK

New Home Secretary brings bad news for expats seeking jobs in the UK
Boris Johnson’s new Home Secretary Priti Patel is planning to introduce a points-based immigration system. The new system spells bad news for expats looking to move to the UK, unless they are able to fulfill the stringent requirements Patel believes are essential once Britain leaves the EU. Basically, the UK will only welcome skilled...

Expat pensioners in France under threat of being thrown out due to income reuirements

Expat pensioners in France under threat of being thrown out due to income reuirements
A warning about strict income tests has been issued to UK expats already living and working in France and those planning to do so in the near future. Despite the present uncertainty about Brexit and France’s previous request that all British expats get their cartes de sejour, it seems the French government is already forcing Brits whose...

Understanding the Swiss pension scheme as a British expat

Understanding the Swiss pension scheme as a British expat
Switzerland is a perennial expat professional favourite for top wages and a high standard of living, but its pension system isn’t understood by many incomers. It’s possible that British expats working in Switzerland may see changes to the system post-Brexit, but current Swiss pension rules allow UK expatriates to qualify for the Swiss...

The fight to repeal expat frozen pensions isn't over yet

The fight to repeal expat frozen pensions isn't over yet
As the British government attempts to manipulate lawmakers by tying in vital carers’ allowances with frozen pensions, expats and lawmakers’ fight to get full pensions is heating up. The frozen pension scandal isn’t just confined to countries where there’s no reciprocal agreement between the two governments, as it’s totally...

Six month Brexit extension brings even more uncertainty to expat lives

Six month Brexit extension brings even more uncertainty to expat lives
The Brexit extension may give companies more time to adjust to whatever comes next, but for UK expats in Europe, EU expats in Britain and Brits planning to emigrate it’s just another six months of stress and uncertainty. British in Europe and the 3Million, both campaigning for citizens’ rights, are now demanding an ‘immediate end to...

Is Belize the next favourite for Brexit-hit UK expats?

Is Belize the next favourite for Brexit-hit UK expats?
Ever popular with expats from Canada and the USA, Belize is now being sought out by would-be refugees from Brexit-hit Europe and the UK. Central America has been a favourite for escapees from the USA looking for an affordable, less chaotic life than that in the home country, and is now firmly on the radar of potential expats from Europe...

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system

Getting to grips with the French healthcare system
If you’ve decided to give France a chance post-Brexit, you’ll need to get to grips with its healthcare rules. Once you’ve actually arrived in your chosen destination, how you access the French healthcare system depends on your category as a new expat on the block. If you’re an employee, a legal resident in France, a business owner...

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas

US and UK youth desperate for an expat life overseas
It seems it’s not just Britons fleeing Brexit before it’s too late who’re starting a diaspora, as more American citizens than ever before want to expatriate. Whether it’s down to the USA’s polarised political climate or the massive costs of healthcare, a record number of US citizens are desperate to leave what used to be the...

Emigrating to France to escape Brexit Britain

Emigrating to France to escape Brexit Britain
For decades, Brits who’d had enough of the changes in the home country headed for France as the nearest destination offering a more satisfying lifestyle. The thought of living through the worst predictions about Brexit Britain is causing many who voted to remain in the EU to consider leaving before it’s too late. In the good old days,...