News - Emigrate UK Page 16

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There’s more to being an expat than just teaching English

There’s more to being an expat than just teaching English
Teaching English overseas isn’t the only alternative for talented expats. If you’re planning to teach English after you’ve left your home country and settled into your new location, it’s as good a start as any as regards paying your bills. However, as many reluctant expat teachers of English have found, it can be a stairway to a...

Emergency registration service set up for Brit expats on Majorca

Emergency registration service set up for Brit expats on Majorca
If you’re in the throes of finalising your move to Spain’s Balearic Islands following last week’s shock election result, you’ll get help to register before it’s too late. A special emergency service is being set up in Majorca by the Spanish Home Office in order to ensure all British expats including new arrivals are able to...

China needs expat volunteers for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

China needs expat volunteers for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
If you’re about to head to Beijing on reassignment, there’s a challenge you might find impossible to resist, especially if you’re a sports fan. Beijing is now hugely popular as a new destination for expat professionals, with the Chinese authorities doing everything they can to smooth new arrivals’ paths to success and integration....

Buying an expat retirement home in Italy’s Lake Como region

 Buying an expat retirement home in Italy’s Lake Como region
If Italy has always featured in your retirement dreams, a property close by Lake Como could be more affordable than you realise. In many ways, Italy is a dream destination for its food, wine, sheer beauty, charm and fascinating history and heritage. Those looking forward to retirement but disenchanted with developments in the home country...

Expat retirees considering Thailand should note healthcare changes

Expat retirees considering Thailand should note healthcare changes
If you’re still thinking of retiring in Thailand and have ongoing medical issues, a new idea by the Thai government may help you decide! Expat retirees living in Thailand have had a bad year as regards calls on their financial resources ever since the UK and USA embassies stopped issuing letters confirming their incomes as required by...

Asian city destinations no longer inexpensive for expats

Asian city destinations no longer inexpensive for expats
Over the past decade or so, Asian destinations have gained in popularity with expat professionals, but increased costs of living are now biting hard on salaries. Over the past ten years, many Asian capitals have seen an increase in the numbers of expats arriving to work and take advantage of favourable exchange rates allowing an improved...

Expat entrepreneurs in Amsterdam facing bans on shared housing

Expat entrepreneurs in Amsterdam facing bans on shared housing
For younger expats and students heading for Amsterdam, finding legally shared accommodation is about to get far more expensive. Since the Dutch city became a popular location for digital nomads and tech expats from the UK and other European states, finding affordable accommodation has become a nightmare, with many giving up and returning...

Tips for new expat arrivals in Austria

Posted on December 6, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Tips for new expat arrivals in Austria
Tips for new expat arrivals in Austria
If you’re heading to Austria on reassignment, watch out for a few local habits which drive expats crazy. Generally speaking, expats in Austria are happy with their choice of destination but, as with many overseas locations, some local behavioural traits make even experienced long-stayers hot under the collar. One of the most annoying for...

Lagos may be rough and tough but friendship wins out

Lagos may be rough and tough but friendship wins out
There’s only one good reason to become an expat in Lagos. Many long-term expats are in it for the challenge, always providing the financial rewards are enough. Africa in general is recognised as challenging in many ways, but Nigeria and its capital Lagos are often presented in a manner which suggests anyone who arrives to work is either...

Expats in Kuwait less than happy with their jobs and lives

 Expats in Kuwait less than happy with their jobs and lives
It’s survey time again, with different studies revealing different results for a swathe of worldwide expat destinations! The latest InterNations study is hitting hard on Kuwait City, ranking it as the worst on the planet for expatriate professionals. The expat hub was ranked last for its lack of leisure activities, unreliable local...