News - Emigrate UK Page 28

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Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria

Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria
Recent reports of a new wave of oil thefts in Nigeria have caused concern amongst expat professionals working in the oil and gas industry. Over the years, expats working in Africa have become used to flare-ups threatening their security. as vandalism and fuel theft are recurring issues for multinationals in the region. However, it’s...

New style international schools in Asia are affordable for expat families

New style international schools in Asia are affordable for expat families
As the international school marketplace broadens, affordability is the new hallmark. Traditionally, the concept of international schooling was created for temporarily-resident expat families in far-flung locations in order to ensure their children didn’t fall behind on return to their home countries. A lot has changed since then, with...

British expats worldwide are losers due to currency fluctuation

British expats worldwide are losers due to currency fluctuation
One issue that’s seldom taken into account when expatriation is under discussion is currency fluctuation. Whether the reason for leaving the home country is for a better-paying job, retirement or entrepreneurship, the logistics of the move itself almost always take precedence over what may or may not happen in the future. Back in time...

Bangkok and Singapore inflation taking its toll on expat life

Bangkok and Singapore inflation taking its toll on expat life
If the cost of living is an essential part of your emigration plans and you’re thinking of heading to Asia, inflation in Bangkok and Singapore is running riot. Singapore has been a hub for ambitious expats for several decades, and was once a reasonably-priced destination favoured for its markets and the amazing quality and variety of...

Malaysia as the perfect destination for expat retirees

Malaysia as the perfect destination for expat retirees
Emigrating from a country where it’s impossible to save money and heading to one where it’s possible to live off a pension or investment income and still save is a sensible move. If you’re still struggling to save enough from your regular salary, the thought of moving overseas to a place where a pension or investment income takes...

Are UK expats taking foreign citizenship to guard against Brexit effects?

Are UK expats taking foreign citizenship to guard against Brexit effects?
If you’re planning a quick exit from the UK due to dire prophecies concerning a no-deal Brexit, is foreign citizenship a part of your strategy? It seems expat surveys really do have their uses, as recently revealed by the authors of a study aimed at discovering how many expat Brits are planning to formally end their connections with...

Biggest ever Hong Kong protest causes concern in the expat community

Biggest ever Hong Kong protest causes concern in the expat community
If you’re planning to make Hong Kong your expat home from home, you should be aware of the present mainland Chinese attempts to tighten its control. Since the handover of Hong Kong from the British, political turbulence has been a regular occurrence but, now that China’s star is rising fast, this unique group of islands may not be...

Swedish medical app helps expats find help when sick or depressed

Swedish medical app helps expats find help when sick or depressed
The Scandinavian countries including Sweden are popular with expats as well as tourists, but what happens if you fall sick? For expats living and working in Sweden, the country’s healthcare system is one of the best, but only if you know where to go and what to do. The first port of call is your local healthcare centre unless you have a...

Japan’s mix of ancient and modern draws adventurous expats

Japan’s mix of ancient and modern draws adventurous expats
If you’re captivated with Japan’s fascinating history and unique culture, working in one of its major cities will be the experience of a lifetime. Japan is unique in the world for its culture and history, although living there may not be every would-be expat’s dream. From the crowded mega-cities to the ancient remnants of its...

Renting your first expat apartment in Beijing

Renting your first expat apartment in Beijing
Finding the right home at the right price in Beijing It has to be said that many new expats arriving in China’s capital city expect rentals to be at bargain prices, not realising commercial reality strikes in Beijing just as it does elsewhere on the planet. Even so, apartment rents are still far cheaper than in London, Hong Kong or New...