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Expat victims of Premier FX crash determined to fight for their money

Expat victims of Premier FX crash determined to fight for their money
Premier FX was a popular choice for expat professionals remitting moneys to the home country as well as for expat retirees bringing in their pension payments in their host country’s currency. The supposedly reputable forex platform was based in and operated from Portugal, offering all the usual guarantees, but it now seems the...

Good news for UK expats living in France

Good news for UK expats living in France
UK expats in France will welcome an initiative by the PM to facilitate their residency in the case of a no-deal Brexit. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has requested his cabinet to work out contingency measures for a hard Brexit including ‘facilitating residency’ for British expats living and working in the country. The...

Shenzhen now world number one for tech innovations

Shenzhen now world number one for tech innovations
Graduates and expat innovators are flocking to Shenzhen for its growing reputation as China’s hub of tech innovation. Beijing is way ahead when it comes to top-flight universities, but graduates from all over China and the West are choosing Shenzhen as the place to float their innovative ideas. The city’s companies file more...

Saudi job vacancies buck usual summer trend

Saudi job vacancies buck usual summer trend
Saudi recruitment firms are seeing increased numbers of vacancies for expatriate executives, bucking the usually quieter summer trend. Summer in Saudi Arabia is traditionally a quiet time for executive vacancies, but the summer of 2018 is proving to be an exception to the rule. Across the Middle East in general, vacancies for experienced...

Expats urged to fill 150,000 vacant jobs in France

Expats urged to fill 150,000 vacant jobs in France
For professionals desperate to leave the UK before March next year, France has more than 150,000 vacant positions. In spite of an unemployment rate of 8.7 per cent, France now has over 150,000 vacant jobs. According to the Employment Minister’s office, the top levels of vacant positions are in the specialised technical and scientific...

Hoofddorp the Netherlands is a new focus for expat families

Hoofddorp the Netherlands is a new focus for expat families
For expat families, there’s now a new alternative to the overcrowded, ever more expensive top cities in the Netherlands. The Netherlands’ city favourites of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague have been attracting top expat talent and their families for some years now, with the influx leading to increased rents and a lack of...

Top tech talent needed for unique Estonian government project

Top tech talent needed for unique Estonian government project
The tiny Baltic country of Estonia and its small population of 1.3 million are off the radar for the majority of expat professionals. The vast majority of expat professionals seeking a new, exciting job may not even have heard of Estonia, much less decided on it as a desirable expatriate location, but a select few in the tech sector may...

Expats heading for China urged to get genuine documentation

Expats heading for China urged to get genuine documentation
Incoming expat professionals can easily be confused by China’s visa application process, ending up with dodgy visa agents. Moving to a country with a totally unfamiliar language is quite a challenge, even for the most adventurous expat professionals, especially when getting a legal permit to stay and work. Entrepreneurs are rushing to...

Life in Canada for expat professionals

Life in Canada for expat professionals
Canada is favoured for its cost of living and its stunning natural beauty. Canada has long been a destination for British expatriates, but nowadays its appeal is growing amongst other countries’ expat professionals. With the world’s 10th largest economy and diverse sectors of employment, Canada is becoming a destination of choice for...

UK expat retirees urged to watch out for pension scammers

UK expat retirees urged to watch out for pension scammers
If you’re about to retire and emigrate, you should be on your guard against pension transfer scams. Increasing numbers of retirees are deciding to wave the UK goodbye and retire to a warmer, less chaotic destination. One crucial element of the process is deciding whether to transfer your pension to an overseas location via a QROPs,...