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Expats in China running charity events for local dog shelters

Expats in China running charity events for local dog shelters
If you thought dogs in China are still regarded as lunch rather than life-long loves, you’d be very wrong. Many would-be expats fascinated by Chinese history and culture are discouraged from considering the vast country as an expat opportunity due to the sad fact that dogs are still on the menu in certain provinces. It’s a totally...

Prague Plague columns reassure expats the pandemic will end

Prague Plague columns reassure expats the pandemic will end
If you’re an expat living and working in the Czech Republic and you’re fearing the worst as regards surviving the pandemic, Prague’s Plague columns are a reminder that survival is well possible. In this ultra-modern world, the thought that a miniscule virus could kill so many people across the world in such a short time is almost...

How to stay relevant as an expat SME during these tricky times

How to stay relevant as an expat SME during these tricky times
If you’ve only just got your expat business up and going – what can you do to ensure it doesn’t become just another victim of the virus? If you’ve recently arrived overseas and started your expat business, you’ll have realised this situation is unprecedented and crammed full of challenges you didn’t include in your original...

Expats and German citizens sticking to the rules and beating the virus

Expats and German citizens sticking to the rules and beating the virus
If you’re planning a move to Germany or are already living its expat life, you’ll be well aware you’re one of the lucky ones. According to recent research, Germany is the second safest country in the world as regards the risk of catching the coronavirus. All across the world, residents and expats alike are fearing the virus will...

Pandemic feeds xenophobia and racism in both the West and Asia

Pandemic feeds xenophobia and racism in both the West and Asia
As the coronavirus ramps up across the world, racism and xenophobia follow in its path. Whilst rates of infection continue to soar and the death toll grows, anti-Asian racism as well as xenophobia and discrimination against Westerners is growing, both on social media and in countries with settled expat communities. European expatriates...

Saudi Arabia scores high in expat care during the pandemic

Saudi Arabia scores high in expat care during the pandemic
Recent expat arrivals in Saudi Arabia are now very glad they came. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the Gulf States as a whole had a mixed reputation as regards attitudes towards the almost overwhelming numbers of expat professionals living and working in the region. Nowadays, the emirates and Saudi Arabia itself seem to be looking...

Living in Greece as an expat family

Living in Greece as an expat family
Planning your new expat life after the pandemic has run its course could take you to places as yet not considered. If you’re lucky enough to land a job with a salary allowing your family to come along for the ride, one of the best places for you and your nearest and dearest to recover from chaos and confusion is Greece. No-one knows as...

Expats in Thailand fearing blame for the coronavirus pandemic

Expats in Thailand fearing blame for the coronavirus pandemic
Bangkok’s expatriate community are worried about their security as much as they’re worried about covid-19. Amongst Bangkok’s huge expat community, it’s difficult to determine which is causing most stress – the coronavirus pandemic itself or the feeling they’re no longer wanted. Prejudice against Westerners has always lurked...

Expats in Caymans Islands financial and tourism sectors leaving in droves

Expats in Caymans Islands financial and tourism sectors leaving in droves
Business layoffs and the tourist industry shutdown are causing an unprecedented expat exodus from the Caymans. Almost half of the total population of the Cayman Islands is made up of expatriates, most of whom work in the tourism and financial services sectors. The double whammy of the pandemic and its effect on the world economy has...

Expats returning to China are made to feel genuinely welcome

Expats returning to China are made to feel genuinely welcome
As expats return to China from overseas, going straight into a 14-day quarantine lockdown, local support is there for all needs. In Jing’An, both authorities and volunteers are supporting every expat who’s returning to take up his or her life in China again. Whilst it’s the law that a 14-day quarantine must be observed, expat...