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British expats fleeing mainland Europe should head for Cyprus

British expats fleeing mainland Europe should head for Cyprus
If you’re a fan of world history and love the Mediterranean lifestyle, the ancient island of Cyprus is waiting for you. Always a favourite for Brits searching sunshine, warmth and a laid-back lifestyle, Cyprus has a lot to offer for those planning to emigrate rather than staying in post-Brexit Britain. The island’s incredible history...

Indonesia falls flat as an expat destination in recent survey

Indonesia falls flat as an expat destination in recent survey
Expats love living in Indonesia but feel its offerings have their limitations. Expats who’ve made the move to Indonesia won’t have been surprised by the exotic country’s fall in the current release of the 2019 Expat Explorer survey. Out of 31 countries which took part in the study, the archipelago scored a sad 31st out of 33...

Where in Asia can expats be sure of safety and security?

Where in Asia can expats be sure of safety and security?
For many would-be expats, their fascination with Asia began in childhood and continued until they were actually given an opportunity to move to a location somewhere on the vast continent. As with all relocations, safety and security is a priority, especially if the chosen destination isn’t exactly first-world. Asian states such as...

Is the Philippines the answer for expats needing a new location?

Is the Philippines the answer for expats needing a new location?
For several decades the Philippines as an expat destination was a well-kept secret, but it’s now out there as a great choice for retirees as well as those looking to find a job in this beautiful country. According to a recent survey, the island archipelago is now ranked as the 24th best world country for expatriates, moving up four...

Expats in Bahrain to pay compulsory private health insurance

Expats in Bahrain to pay compulsory private health insurance
Getting to grips with expat healthcare in Bahrain. For expats relocating to Bahrain, it’s comforting to know the country has a comprehensive, modern system comprising both public and private facilities and experienced, qualified practitioners. The public hospitals’ standards compare well with those of private facilities elsewhere in...

Hong Kong protests still threatening expat financiers’ lives

 Hong Kong protests still threatening expat financiers’ lives
As the Hong Kong protests become ever more violent, Shanghai and Singapore are threatening the island’s prime position as Asia’s major financial hub. Protests are nothing new for Hong Kong’s expat residents, but the continuing street riots have now lasted for over five months and aren’t going away any time soon. For some years,...

Namibia joins the contest for wealthy long-stay expat retirees

Namibia joins the contest for wealthy long-stay expat retirees
Wealthy expatriate retirees with a taste for adventure may now have the opportunity of a lifetime. The Southern African state of Namibia is already a favourite with travellers for its world-beating dramatic scenery, but settling down in the country as an expat retiree is fraught with mind-bending bureaucracy. Even those intending to ...

Success of Portuguese Golden Visa responsible for overheated property market

Success of Portuguese Golden Visa responsible for overheated property market
Portugal’s overheating property prices may result in changes to its Golden Visa deals. In a recent announcement, Portugal’s minister of the economy confirmed the likelihood of cutbacks to its popular Golden Visa programme as it’s thought to be the reason behind the country’s overheating property prices. Pedro Siza Vieira told the...

Expats in New Zealand now facing poverty due to soaring costs

Expats in New Zealand now facing poverty due to soaring costs
Is New Zealand now far too expensive for all but wealthy expatriates? For decades, New Zealand was a favourite expat destination for Brits as well as incomers from many other world countries, but reports of its soaring cost of living are now suggesting its reputation is shot. In the main, the majority of expat arrivals in the stunningly...

Is Costa Rica an expat retirement alternative to Europe?

Is Costa Rica an expat retirement alternative to Europe?
Nowadays, Costa Rica isn’t just a favourite destination for USA expats. Traditionally, British expats looking for a change of lifestyle after retirement kicks in head for Spain, Portugal or another sunny, warm European destination with an established expatriate community. In a similar way, USA retirees have always favoured Mexico, Costa...