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Is it all over for the Hong Kong expat community?

Posted on August 19, 2019 in Working Abroad
STORY LINK Is it all over for the Hong Kong expat community?
Is it all over for the Hong Kong expat community?
If you’re banking your career future on a stint in Hong Kong, you many well have missed the boat! As protestors storm Hong Kong’s streets for the 12th week in a row, expat talk in trendy bars in the city’s financial district turns to the inevitability of an intervention by the Chinese army. The formerly unthinkable fact of a...

Britons escaping Brexit effects should choose Ireland’s most friendly city

Britons escaping Brexit effects should choose Ireland’s most friendly city
If you’re looking to emigrate relatively locally post-Brexit, Cork may well be your perfect answer. For those Britons who’ve had emigration on their minds since 2016 but don’t want to move too far away from their relatives and friends, the Irish Republic city of Cork may well be the answer. Now named as one of the planet’s most...

Portugal still welcoming expat retirees, investors and immigrants

Portugal still welcoming expat retirees, investors and immigrants
Whilst a number of other formerly popular expat destinations are slamming their doors to what they now seem to be viewing as a foreign invasion, Portugal’s welcome mat is still firmly on its floor. Well known for years as a refuge for expat retirees from the UK, Portugal is now doing its best to attract investors and long-term expat...

How to make the best of your financial situation in the UAE

How to make the best of your financial situation in the UAE
With all the advantages or a reassignment to the UAE, expats can easily be carried away by their new, luxury lifestyle. Generous salaries, low or no taxation, a high standard of living and year-round sunshine are all highlights of the UAE lifestyle for expats who’ve made the move to Abu Dhabi or Dubai. However, it’s easy to get...

Bringing in personal goods to France as a new expat

Posted on August 12, 2019 in France
STORY LINK Bringing in personal goods to France as a new expat
Bringing in personal goods to France as a new expat
If you’re thinking of expatriating to France, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with everything from the move itself to healthcare requirements, accommodation and even the French customs and excise system as it applies to imports of personal goods. Perhaps the first hard decision will be a tussle between bringing all your household...

Tips for newly arrived expats on seeing Tokyo as it truly is

Tips for newly arrived expats on seeing Tokyo as it truly is
The offer of a reassignment to Tokyo often sparks trepidation rather than celebration, but it’s an opportunity to be a part of one of the world’s most iconic capitals. Whilst Tokyo may not be as popular as an expat hub compared with the Gulf States, Singapore and Hong Kong, this unique mega-city has the ability to turn even the most...

Hints on getting a foothold in Switzerland as an expat investor

Hints on getting a foothold in Switzerland as an expat investor
Given all the reasons why Switzerland is the holy grail for expats determined to grow their careers whilst earning a small fortune, it’s no surprise that the small country is also a magnet for investors. Known worldwide as a hub for safety, security, eye-wateringly high salaries, cleanliness. environmental stewardship and natural...

Expats come out in favour of virtual healthcare services

Expats come out in favour of virtual healthcare services
The results of a recent survey show the vast majority of expat respondents would prefer to have access to virtual healthcare. For expats living and working overseas, accessing healthcare can be a stressful experience due to language barriers and cultural differences as well as high costs. The call for virtual healthcare facilities comes...

Keeping or letting go of your home country bank account

Keeping or letting go of your home country bank account
Should British expatriates lose or keep their UK bank accounts? Deciding whether to keep your British bank account open depends on two things – your circumstances and whether your UK bank will allow you to! The majority of Britons living, working or retiring overseas would prefer not to close their British bank accounts, for reasons...

Expat Brits in Ireland happy to renounce UK citizenship

Expat Brits in Ireland happy to renounce UK citizenship
Brits in Ireland are willing to renounce UK citizenship as a result of Brexit. Results of a recent survey show some 35 per cent of British expats living and working in Ireland are happy to seek permanent residence or even Irish citizenship as a result of Brexit. In addition, another 10 per cent are considering cutting all ties with the...