News - Emigrate UK Page 25

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Kuwait government attempts to clarify rules re expat driving licenses

Kuwait government attempts to clarify rules re expat driving licenses
If you’re thinking to relocate to Kuwait and driving to and from work, thinking again might be the best idea! It seems the Kuwaiti driving authorities are unhappy about spending the entire day answering queries from confused expats about driving licenses, as they’ve now issued a clarification of who can and who can’t legally drive...

Abu Dhabi reinvents itself as a luxury international retirement hub

Abu Dhabi reinvents itself as a luxury international retirement hub
Since the recent changes in property law benefiting expats, Abu Dhabi is reinventing itself as an upscale designer retirement hub. The new UAE laws on expat freehold ownership and the new retirement visa scheme are aimed at creating the right ambience for expatriate retirees with capital to invest in upscale property and the Gulf State...

Younger expats see a larger salary increase on relocation

Younger expats see a larger salary increase on relocation
If you’re looking to an expatriate-focused professional career, better get started when you’re younger than 35. One lesser-known fact of expat life is that the sooner it’s started the more can be initially earned and the more successful it can become. Taking the average expat assignment results in a pay increase of around 35 per cent...

New Home Secretary brings bad news for expats seeking jobs in the UK

New Home Secretary brings bad news for expats seeking jobs in the UK
Boris Johnson’s new Home Secretary Priti Patel is planning to introduce a points-based immigration system. The new system spells bad news for expats looking to move to the UK, unless they are able to fulfill the stringent requirements Patel believes are essential once Britain leaves the EU. Basically, the UK will only welcome skilled...

Expats in Thailand start petition for immigration reform

Expats in Thailand start petition for immigration reform
Expats in Thailand have started a petition urging reform of the dreaded Article 37 reporting law. It’s been a rough year for expats working, living or retiring in the former Land of Smiles, with retirement visa changes and the enforcement of several other laws including Article 37. This rule is intended to keep track of foreigners in...

Is Vienna an ideal destination for expat professionals?

Is Vienna an ideal destination for expat professionals?
Vienna wins out on world’s most liveable city survey. Yet another survey is praising Vienna as the perfect liveability destination for expat professionals out of 140 world cities. Expats who already know and love the city for its culture, environment, history and heritage will agree, although last year’s winner Melbourne may have been...

Tips for expats heading for St Petersburg

Tips for expats heading for St Petersburg
St Petersburg may not immediately spring to mind as an expat destination, but it’s a fascinating city nevertheless. Not much has been written about becoming an expat in Russia, which is hardly surprising given the present contentious state of relations between this massive country and the USA. However, the Russian people have a...

UK expats may sue British government if no deal Brexit loses them their rights

UK expats may sue British government if no deal Brexit loses them their rights
Should a no-deal Brexit finally result in the loss of rights for all UK expats in EU member states, those affected may have one right left – that of sueing the British government. For the majority of the millions of British expats living, working or retiring in the EU, the loss of their rights would be a major disaster. Whether unable...

Choosing the right international school can be tricky for expat parents

Choosing the right international school can be tricky for expat parents
Relocating with school-aged children can be an expat nightmare as regards making the right choice of international school. It’s long been realised that expat children's’ ongoing education is an absolute priority for professionals relocating overseas. Over the past decade or so, international schools have been springing up like...

Expats head for India as Indians head overseas

Expats head for India as Indians head overseas
Whilst expat professionals are discovering India, Indian professionals are moving overseas. International expat professionals are now flocking to India for its sense of fulfilment and improved career prospects, whilst Indian professionals in the financial services, healthcare and engineering sectors are heading off to the US, UK and UAE....