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How to make a go of expa life in Paris

Posted on May 7, 2019 in France
STORY LINK How to make a go of expa life in Paris
How to make a go of expa life in Paris
If living and working in Paris is your dream, understanding the city and its diverse culture will help it become reality. Known as the City of Lights, Paris is one of the world’s most loved and most visited cities for its sheer beauty, its magnificent history and heritage and its dynamic present day personality. It’s also home to a...

Italian diet and laid-back lifestyle keeps expats healthier for longer

Italian diet and laid-back lifestyle keeps expats healthier for longer
If you’re looking for health rather than wealth as an expat, Italy is one of the world’s best options. Italy is best known for its healthy lifestyle and Mediterranean cuisine, making it no surprise that the country came second in the latest Bloomberg survey’s global rankings. Spain was the overall winner out of the 169 world...

British pensioners may find Ecuador the perfect retirement destination

British pensioners may find Ecuador the perfect retirement destination
To many would-be expats from the UK as well as other European Union member states, Ecuador is a ‘faraway country with a strange sounding name’. but the truth is getting around. Central and Latin America are long-term favourites for USA pensioners, evidenced by the huge number of websites aimed at older Americans and stressing expat...

International removals made easy for nervous expats

International removals made easy for nervous expats
Moving house is rated as one of life’s worst experiences, especially if it’s across continents rather than to the next town! Experienced expats who’ve moved many times know the secret is to make and stick to a detailed plan covering the entire process from start to finish. For everyone else, it’s the perfect nightmare as it...

Expat parents in China choosing local schools rather than internationals

Expat parents in China choosing local schools rather than internationals
Increasing numbers of expat parents in China are rejecting international schooling in favour of local education for their kids. An increasing number of expat parents in China are now choosing local public schools for their kids in the hope they will become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. It has to be said that high international school fees...

Mis sold SIPPs now spurring thousands of claims by British expat retirees

Mis sold SIPPs now spurring thousands of claims by British expat retirees
Badly performing SIPPs personal pensions mis-sold by unscrupulous IFAs to Brit retirees is Spain have spurred a huge number of claims. British pensioners in Spain who’ve been taken advantage of by dodgy IFAs are now worried about uncertainty caused by the Brexit effect on their savings. Of the at least 70,000 retired Brits living in...

Which employment sectors are best for would be expats in the GCC?

Which employment sectors are best for would be expats in the GCC?
In spite of the many recent changes, the Gulf States are still a major attraction for expat professionals looking to progress their careers at the same time as earning high salaries and benefits. The most popular sectors for enhanced benefits and top salaries are education, oil and gas and healthcare, all of which offer far more than their...

Will the Western world’s retirement crisis result in expat poverty?

Will the Western world’s retirement crisis result in expat poverty?
People are living longer and healthier than ever before and looking forward to an active retirement. Across the entire swathe of Western first-world countries, demographics show that humans are living far longer and staying healthy well into their retirement years. Unfortunately, their pension savings investments were never designed to...

Thailand cracks down on expats changing or leaving jobs

Thailand cracks down on expats changing or leaving jobs
All expatriates living and working in Thailand must now inform the authorities if they change jobs or leave their present job. In an announcement today, the Thai Labour Ministry reiterated all foreigners working in the country who’ve either taken a new job or left a previous position must inform the Department of Employment within 15...

Expat pensioners in France under threat of being thrown out due to income reuirements

Expat pensioners in France under threat of being thrown out due to income reuirements
A warning about strict income tests has been issued to UK expats already living and working in France and those planning to do so in the near future. Despite the present uncertainty about Brexit and France’s previous request that all British expats get their cartes de sejour, it seems the French government is already forcing Brits whose...