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World?s worst expat destinations for safety and security

World?s worst expat destinations for safety and security
One of the most crucial sub-categories of the many annual expat surveys is Safety and Security, as it identifies not only the safest world countries but also the most dangerous. Personal safety is one of the most important considerations when deciding on a relocation destination, especially if your family is joining you overseas. Surveys...

Online forex services gaining popularity with expats

Online forex services gaining popularity with expats
Banks are being given a run for their money by new online forex services. Traditional currency exchange dealers including money transfer agents and banks are losing customers to a new-style foreign exchange system which matches clients who wish to sell to those wishing to buy. The increasing popularity of these websites with travelling...

Expats sick to death of soaring healthcare charges

Expats sick to death of soaring healthcare charges
If you’re in the planning stage of emigration or are relocating within your present company, expensive healthcare costs are a crucial part of the process. As private hospitals worldwide hike their costs, expats world wide are sick to death of having to pay excessive amounts for standard care. It’s one thing if your company is picking...

Caribbean archipelagos now favourites for European expats

Caribbean archipelagos now favourites for European expats
The Caribbean islands have long been favourite destinations for expats from the USA, but European retirees are now discovering their laid-back lifestyles. Whilst last year’s tragic advent of Hurricane Maria has affected a number of the Caribbean’s formerly pristine island havens, rescue missions, cleanups and rebuilding are ongoing,...

Expat tax efficiency after a move to Spain

Expat tax efficiency after a move to Spain
If you’ve recently relocated to Spain or are still planning to make the move, investigating the country’s tax-efficient opportunities could save you money. The most important part of your move to Spain as regards tax-efficiency is to establish the exact date you became resident for tax purposes. Your liabilities will include tax on...

Expats in the Netherlands enraged by lack of action on tax break

Expats in the Netherlands enraged by lack of action on tax break
Expats working in the Netherlands are now committed to legal action after the government finally reneged on its 30 per cent tax break for incomers. Expatriates across the country are referring to the day of judgement as Black Tuesday, venting their anger and feelings of exploitation and betrayal as they continue to raise funds for a...

Expats re-evaluate their preferred destinations

Expats re-evaluate their preferred destinations
After the huge expansion of internationally-based jobs all across the world, it seems expats are now reassessing what’s on offer and where. As traditional destinations for career-minded expats lose their attraction, new locations are heading up the trend towards the tech sector and its start-up opportunities. Nowadays, politics also...

Prague wins out as expat job source due to skills shortage

Prague wins out as expat job source due to skills shortage
Although the Czech Republic may not be your first choice as a career and bank-balance booster, taking a closer look may change your mind. Unless the decision to relocate overseas really is about the money and nothing else, there’s a good choice of up and coming expatriate destinations, not all of which are on the other side of the world...

Top tech talent can now get Chinese entrepreneurship visas

Top tech talent can now get Chinese entrepreneurship visas
China’s popularity as a start-up hub for expat professionals, especially in the tech sector, is growing fast thanks to its new entrepreneurship visa. China’s not just attracting ever-increasing numbers of talented expatriates to its established companies, it’s now encouraging them to leave their jobs and start up on their own...

Is it decision time for Western expat professionals in Kuwait?

Is it decision time for Western expat professionals in Kuwait?
From Kuwait’s dismal showing in the most recent expat survey through rumours of Kuwaitization gone mad to increasing insecurity even amongst seasoned professionals, qualified expats have plenty to worry about. As Kuwaitization digs its claws into the emirate’s expatriate community, the exodus of expat labour is crawling up the ranks...