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Young expat on life support in Cambodian hospital refused help by Foreign Office

Young expat on life support in Cambodian hospital refused help by Foreign Office
A Scots expat is waiting to die in a Cambodian hospital whilst the British government refuses to help. The family of Scot Charles McLaughlin have launched a desperate online appeal to raise £105,000 to bring him back to the UK after he suffered a massive stroke. Charles is now on life support in a Cambodian hospital and can only blink as...

New Dubai international schools offer a diversity of curriculums

New Dubai international schools offer a diversity of curriculums
Demand by expatriate as well as local parents for international-standard education facilities has resulted in a huge boost to the numbers of international schools in the UAE region. Estimates of increasing demand were part of a recently released report on the status of the UAE’s educational facilities, showing a projected 175,000 places...

Sihanoukville expats flee due to Chinese casinos and crime

Sihanoukville expats flee due to Chinese casinos and crime
Cambodian expat favourite Sihanoukville is now overrun with Chinese construction workers and Chinese gamblers. It’s taken just a few years to destroy one of Cambodia’s favourite beachside destinations, simply by opening up the formerly peaceful resort to Chinese investors. Some ten years ago, the town was a favourite with Cambodian...

Expat entrepreneur hubs for start-up success

Expat entrepreneur hubs for start-up success
Expat entrepreneurs are taking over many destinations formerly popular with professionals relocated by their home country companies. There’s a massive difference between company reassignments and going it alone as an expat entrepreneur. Arriving in a new country with nothing but a suitcase and a marketable idea takes determination,...

Expat professionals giving Germany a miss due to unfriendly locals

Expat professionals giving Germany a miss due to unfriendly locals
Many expat professionals find Germany an attractive proposition for career advancement, but wish the locals were friendlier. If quality of life is an essential in the wish-list for relocating overseas, it might be wise to give Germany a miss, according to a recent survey, especially if you’re taking your family along. Present day high...

Expat professionals are loving life in the Caymans

Expat professionals are loving life in the Caymans
The Cayman Islands aren’t just a mailbox and hub for offshore company registration. In spite of rumours to the contrary, the Caymans hosts a thriving community of expat professionals working for close to 100,000 legally registered companies operating in various sectors including accountancy and finance. Georgetown is a hub for...

Misselling of expat pension transfers is the next major financial scandal

Misselling of expat pension transfers is the next major financial scandal
The next major financial scandal is expected to be pensions misselling, with IFAs and insurers hit hard. If you’re planning a retirement overseas with the help of your pension pot, the next big financial scandal due to hit world news may well save you becoming yet another victim of pensions misselling by commission hungry IFAs. According...

Brit expat pensioners in France told healthcare ceases on 29 March

Brit expat pensioners in France told healthcare ceases on 29 March
British retirees in France are horrified at an official notification telling them their right to subsidised healthcare runs out on Brexit day. Even although the British government’s no-deal advice didn’t mention ongoing healthcare for British retirees, elderly UK expats in France are now in a state of shock and horror after receiving...

Saving versus spending for expat professionals in Dubai

Saving versus spending for expat professionals in Dubai
For a good few arriving expat professionals taking up residence in Dubai, the end-game is to be much more than financially comfortable by the time they leave, but not many realise that dream. If winning the lottery is the dream of those in everyday jobs, getting relocated to Dubai is the dream of expat professionals. The prize is the same...

Survey categorises best and worst world cities for expat lifestyles

Survey categorises best and worst world cities for expat lifestyles
A reputable expat lifestyle survey has quantified 140 worldwide cities as to their suitability for expat professionals. The 2018 Liveability Index displays the best, worst and in-between of just about any city where expat professionals are working, with its five categories giving individuals a real-time indication of what’s best for...