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Earning a living as a wandering expat

Earning a living as a wandering expat
The motivation for expatriation isn’t always a new, lucrative job or retirement in the sun. Relocation for purposes of work or for a peaceful retirement in a warm, sunny country aren’t the only reasons for the motivation to get up and go, no matter where or why. It’s as old as the human race, but it’s far easier nowadays than ever...

UK second home owners left out in the cold by Brexit negotiators

UK second home owners left out in the cold by Brexit negotiators
UK second home owners in Europe are being totally ignored by Brexit negotiators on both sides. Many UK citizens who’ve purchased second homes in France, Spain or other EU member states have done so in advance of retirement rather than just for holidays and weekends away. The EU’s free movement directive will have been a crucial part...

Basing your expat dreams on your actual needs

Basing your expat dreams on your actual needs
Deciding to move to a holiday destination you’ve fallen in love with can be a mistake. It’s easy to arrive on holiday in an unfamiliar country and immediately fall in love with its way of life, culture and laid-back lifestyle for expats, but deciding to up sticks and emigrate based on your recent experience can be a major mistake....

New Zealand to ban expats from purchasing property

New Zealand to ban expats from purchasing property
Would-be expats heading to New Zealand may find they’re banned from buying a home. Due to a spate of mega-rich expats buying up luxury properties as a hedge against a popular doomsday scenario, newly arrived expatriates may find their plans to buy property stymied by law. New Zealand’s attraction as a safe haven in which to survive a...

What expats expect when preparing for an overseas assignment

What expats expect when preparing for an overseas assignment
Being asked by your company or a head-hunter to take on an expat reassignment overseas is great but scary news for most professionals. These days, it seems almost everyone is desperate to work abroad, with those on assignment by their multinational employer getting the best deals. However, it’s not plain sailing, with a huge number of...

Three top cities in Canada for skilled expats

Three top cities in Canada for skilled expats
Canada has always been a favourite location for Britons, with Toronto now considered one of the most popular hubs for relocating expat professionals. A recent survey put Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto in the prestigious group of best five world expat destinations for liveability. Moving overseas is a big deal for expats, with or without...

Expats in Beijing fall in love with hutong life

Expats in Beijing fall in love with hutong life
As Chinese citizens go crazy for new, ultra-modern apartments, expats are queuing to move into the traditional hutong districts. Nowadays, modern Chinese consider hutongs and their traditional siheyuan dwellings to be uncomfortable, inconvenient and decidedly old-fashioned, whilst expats from developed countries see them through...

Survey suggests Thailand no longer expat Land of Smiles

Survey suggests Thailand no longer expat Land of Smiles
A recently released expat survey suggests Thailand’s popularity with Western expats is crashing. The survey focused on expat residents across Thailand, coming up with results which might be surprising to those who’ve not lived in the country. Overall, the results showed fewer Western expatriates arriving than ever before as well as a...

Healthcare for expat children in Spain

Healthcare for expat children in Spain
Spain’s healthcare system is one of the best in the world, with both public and private options available for expats and their families. If you’re planning to emigrate to Spain with your family, or even considering starting a family once you’re settled down, Spain’s excellent healthcare services are regularly ranked in the top ten...

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand

Advice on buying a home in New Zealand
Buying a new home in New Zealand is the goal of the majority of expats arriving to live, work or invest. Although home ownership doesn’t guarantee residency in New Zealand, it’s still the preferred option for many of those who’ve arrived to work and are now planning on staying long-term. It’s easy to fall in love with the islands...