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British taxman mulls hit on expat landlords and investors

British taxman mulls hit on expat landlords and investors
Expat landlords and investors in the firing line again as British lawmakers look to raise more tax. Taxpayers in the UK as well as British expat investors in UK property are paying more income tax now than in any period during the last 10 years, but the government still needs to rake in more money. According to tax experts, the Treasury...

Expats in UAE urged to be aware of certain Dubai laws

Expats in UAE urged to be aware of certain Dubai laws
Newly arrived expats in Dubai are being urged to take note of the emirate’s unfamiliar laws. It’s no surprise Dubai is one of the world’s most popular relocation hubs for expat professionals due to its ultra-luxurious ambience and big salaries. However, expat life in the emirate is governed by unfamiliar laws which may seem illogical...

Spain in a nutshell for British retirees

Spain in a nutshell for British retirees
Spain is still one of the most attractive destinations for retirees, in spite of possible post-Brexit problems as regards healthcare and pension payments. Need to knows for potential British expats planning to settle in the country include the cost of living and, crucially, the standard and cost of healthcare once the European Health Card...

Visas for skilled expats wishing to work in New Zealand

Visas for skilled expats wishing to work in New Zealand
New Zealand is well-known as an expat destination, whether the motivation of the move is to find a job or a reassignment to the other side of the world. Expats have been arriving in New Zealand for many decades, and are still more than welcome should their skill sets match up with the stunningly beautiful country’s skills shortages....

Navigating Chinese employment contracts needs a lawyer

Navigating Chinese employment contracts needs a lawyer
Perhaps the most crucial aspect of taking on a job in China is the employment contract. Understanding exactly what you’re signing up for can be tricky enough in your own language, but it’s impossible without qualified, bilingual legal assistance if your career is taking off in China. It’s not just the contract itself, it’s the...

Expat entrepreneurs discovering Vietnam as the perfect startup incubator

Expat entrepreneurs discovering Vietnam as the perfect startup incubator
Expat entrepreneurs are discovering Vietnam for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Given the difficulties of getting settled and building a business in the vast majority of expatriate hubs, it’s no surprise that Vietnam has burst onto the 21st century expat entrepreneurial scene and is now attracting increasing numbers looking to...

Hints for successful expat integration into China

Hints for successful expat integration into China
In many ways, mainland China is the biggest ever challenge for expats due to its language, culture and totally unfamiliar business norms. Relocating to one of China’s massive cities wasn’t even possible a few decades ago, but it’s now a hot destination for expat entrepreneurs, tech professionals, English teachers and the best and...

Rental property options for expatriate arrivals in Dubai

Rental property options for expatriate arrivals in Dubai
Real estate in Dubai is one of the first considerations for newly-arrived expats, with a choice of renting or buying. The desert city of Dubai was built around cars and still feels the boom and bust effects of the liquid gold far below the sands, even although its present-day leaders are committed to diversification. The price of property...

Retiring to an affordable place in the sun

Retiring to an affordable place in the sun
Nowadays, retiring to your very own place in the sun usually involves expatriation. Unless you’ve planned and saved carefully for your retirement or recently won the national lottery, you’re likely to be worried abut making ends meet on your government pension. Of course, amounts vary dependent on your home country’s provisions,...

Shanghai beating out Beijing as favourite expat destination

Shanghai beating out Beijing as favourite expat destination
Rivalry between Beijing and Shanghai as to which Chinese city is the favourite expatriate hub is becoming irrelevant. Traditionally, the two massive cities have battled to attract the brightest and best expatriate talent, but the ongoing rivalry seems be becoming irrelevant as Shanghai is now winning hands down. Of the 193,000 work permits...