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Vern Unsworth may sue Musk for pedo tweet

Vern Unsworth may sue Musk for pedo tweet
Whilst the world rejoiced at the miraculous rescue in Thailand of the young football team and their coach, one British expat caver who played a more than prominent part in the international effort is now thinking of sueing a billionaire for his potentially dangerous online insult. Expatriate and expert diver Vern Unsworth lives for much...

Is expat a dirty word for home country tax officials

Is expat a dirty word for home country tax officials
Becoming an expat used to be straightforward, no matter what individual motivation caused an individual to leave the home country. Over the past few decades, citizens of many world countries who felt the need to roam simply got up and went. Entry to most popular destinations was relatively straightforward, and the UK’s membership of the...

Aspiring expat teachers in China warned over dodgy recruiters

Aspiring expat teachers in China warned over dodgy recruiters
If you’re looking to teach English in China, beware of illegal recruitment agencies. Teaching English is a popular job for those looking to spend time as expats in one of China’s mega-cities. The easiest way to find a position is to apply directly to schools advertising for foreign teachers on reputable, long-established websites such...

Survey shows seven distinctive types of expat

Survey shows seven distinctive types of expat
A well-known expat survey firm has now released the first comprehensive expat typology study, identifying seven different expat groups. It’s a modern belief that relocation overseas is simply a way to ensure a massive salary in an exotic location. However, a new way of looking at the motivations behind emigrating for work purposes has...

Expat protests grow over Netherlands 30 per cent tax break cut

Expat protests grow over Netherlands 30 per cent tax break cut
As expat dissention over the Dutch government’s shock 30 per cent ruling rumbles on, the reality of its effect on expatriates’ financial affairs is becoming clearer. As previously noted, the expat-specific 30 per cent ruling means the same percentage of salaries are untaxed, resulting in those benefiting having a higher actual...

Making longterm friends as an expat in Beijing

Making longterm friends as an expat in Beijing
One of the most important tasks for newly-arrived expats is making new friends within the established expat community. Beijing has soared in popularity as an expat destination over the past few years and is now a hub for startups, entrepreneurs and successful expat professionals. However, life isn’t supposed to be all about work, with...

Barclays dumps UK expat credit card holders in Portugal

Barclays dumps UK expat credit card holders in Portugal
UK citizens holding Barclaycards and planning to emigrate to Portugal for purposes of work or retirement are being advised to change their card provider a.s.a.p. Anger is rising in Portugal’s UK expat community against Barclays Bank for its arbitrary decision to demand UK addresses from holders of its card or face account closure....

French property websites enjoying Brexit boom

French property websites enjoying Brexit boom
According to media reports, enquiries abut French properties have soared by thousands since the result of the Brexit referendum. After some years in the doldrums, houses standing empty for years are now being snapped up by Brits desperate to escape the Brexit effect before it’s too late. Prior to the referendum, France was no longer the...

Expat property purchase in the Philippines

Expat property purchase in the Philippines
If you’re considering the Philippines as a long-stay expat retiree retreat, buying a home is your best option. A low cost of living, ultra-friendly people, a great climate and vistas of rural beauty are some of the many reasons the Philippines has been a popular expat retirement hub for many years. Buying a property may well not be as...

Learning new languages are expensive expat nightmares

Learning new languages are expensive expat nightmares
Leaving the UK before a hard Brexit wrecks what's left of the country is appealing to many Brits, but the thought of learning a new language is discouraging equal numbers. Record numbers of Brits are now applying for second passports from Ireland, New Zealand and several other English-speaking countries, simply because the thought of...