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Expat job seekers find great choices in the Czech Republic

Expat job seekers find great choices in the Czech Republic
If Prague or another Czech city sounds attractive, there are plenty of jobs available in several sectors. Although the Czech Republic may not immediately spring to mind as the ideal destination for expats looking for overseas jobs, it’s got one important thing going for it – the number of jobs available. According to local recruitment...

Further sterling fall causing hardship for Brit retirees in Spain

Further sterling fall causing hardship for Brit retirees in Spain
British pensioners living in Spain on the UK state pension have lost some 20 per cent of its purchasing power due to the Brexit referendum. Vice President of Brexpats in Spain Richard Hill quantified the loss caused by plummeting exchange rates as set against increasing living costs and higher taxes, saying the significant loss of income...

French natural disaster insurance procedure for expats

French natural disaster insurance procedure for expats
The June floods and mudslides in France have resulted in expats desperate for details on the procedure for natural disaster home insurance claims. The Dordogne’s historic town of Eymet and its large population of British expats were badly hit when the region suffered floods and mudslides as a result of catastrophic levels of rainfall....

Paris now in Economist 20 top world cities for first time

Paris now in Economist 20 top world cities for first time
Paris is famous all over the world as the city of love, and it’s now one of 20 top cities for expats. The Economist magazine’s liveability index is highly regarded for its lists of the best world cities for expat professional. . For the first time, Paris is now one of its top 20 world cities, coming in at 19th as a result of its...

UK second home owners left out in the cold by Brexit negotiators

UK second home owners left out in the cold by Brexit negotiators
UK second home owners in Europe are being totally ignored by Brexit negotiators on both sides. Many UK citizens who’ve purchased second homes in France, Spain or other EU member states have done so in advance of retirement rather than just for holidays and weekends away. The EU’s free movement directive will have been a crucial part...

How do new expat moms cope with Dutch school parental etiquette

How do new expat moms cope with Dutch school parental etiquette
Being an expat mom as well a trailing spouse is complicated enough but coping with Dutch primary school parental etiquette is another story. The problem isn’t simply dropping off your kids at their new Dutch schools and hoping they’ll integrate successfully, as parents’ integration is also important and trickier by far. Once on the...

Speaking Dutch boosts expat work and social life

Speaking Dutch boosts expat work and social life
Even if you’ve studied the Dutch language in your home country before you arrived, it’s best to continue studying once you’re there. Fluency in the language of your new country of residence isn’t just about getting by at work in a combination of English and Dutch, it’s about socialising and learning to use casual speech and its...

Expats in Portugal lose everything as forex trading firm disappears

Expats in Portugal lose everything as forex trading firm disappears
Expats are facing massive losses after an Algarve forex trading company disappears. Expat investor clients of Almancil-based PremierFX are panicking as attempts to contact the late owner’s adult children all fail. The business, formerly believed to be well-respected in the community, has simply vanished, taking with it hundreds of...

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe
British citizens still planning to retire overseas are being urged to take financial advice about possible changes to social security agreements post-Brexit. EU member states have reciprocal agreements with the UK on social security provisions, but there’s been no guidance as yet as to whether these will remain valid after Brexit kicks...

Expats in Amsterdam warned about rental property scammers

Expats in Amsterdam warned about rental property scammers
The Netherlands is the new, hot destination for millennial expats looking to find their niche in the start-up scene, but care should be taken to avoid being scammed when you first arrive. New arrivals are urged to remember all that glitters isn’t gold, especially when they’re attempting to find an affordable rental in a reasonable...