Europe News News - Emigrate UK Page 38

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Expat petition against new Dutch tax break laws reaches twenty thousand signatures

Expat petition against new Dutch tax break laws reaches twenty thousand signatures
An online petition by angry expat professionals against the retroactive nature of the new Dutch 30 percent tax break law has now gained almost 20,000 signatures. Furious expat professionals in the Netherlands have now started two new Facebook groups and launched a fund-raising campaign aimed at fighting the Dutch government’s decision...

Paris international schools awaiting mass enrolments due to Brexit relocations

Paris international schools awaiting mass enrolments due to Brexit relocations
Thousands of new jobs in Paris are expected as a result of an exodus from London of dozens of financial and international companies, with the city now in top gear as regards improving expat facilities. Banks including Goldman Sachs, numerous other financial firms, some government organisations and a string of multinationals are expected...

Expat volunteers needed in France after local Alzheimer?s support grows

Expat volunteers needed in France after local Alzheimer?s support grows
A French charity supporting the victims of Alzheimer’s is calling for more expat volunteers in order to expand its work amongst British expat sufferers from the condition. British volunteers are already working in the Dordogne and Normandy along with national charity Association France Alzheimer (AFA), with the focus on English-speaking...

Portugal Golden Visa investment scheme facing corruption accusations

Portugal Golden Visa investment scheme facing corruption accusations
The popular Portuguese Goldan Visa scheme aimed at wealthy investors needing second passports and citizenship is under attack for corruption. European MP Ana Gomes led a surprise attack on the scheme earlier this week, accusing it of prostituting European citizenship and being open to organised crime and money-laundering. Gomes, also the...

Entrepreneurial environmentalists more than welcome in the Netherlands

Entrepreneurial environmentalists more than welcome in the Netherlands
If you’re an environmental activist with entrepreneurial ideas on saving the planet, the Netherlands is the place to make your dreams come true. Already famous in the expat world for its positive approach to new entrepreneurial ideas and start-ups, the Netherlands is the perfect place for expats interested in new ways to help the...

Getting away from it all in rural France

Getting away from it all in rural France
Whilst a majority of would-be expats are happy to join an established expatriate community in their chosen country, others are feeling the call of the wild and searching for a rural retreat away from it all. If you’re one of the second group, France could be the answer to your dreams of isolation in a rural setting. The country has a...

European think tank urges forward planning for UK expats in EU states

European think tank urges forward planning for UK expats in EU states
A major European think tank is advising the EU to concentrate on plans for the million or so Brits living in the bloc. The Migration Policy Institute Europe report states too much attention has been given during Brexit negations to date on the plight of EU citizens living in the UK, whilst the similar situation of UK expats living in EU...

State pension possibilities for freelancing expats in the Netherlands

State pension possibilities for freelancing expats in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is fast becoming a first choice destination for freelancing expats, but many don’t appreciate the fact that they’ve rights to social security and even a pension. Every expat living and working in the Netherlands is covered by the country’s social security network, including its pension provisions for the individual...

Expat professionals with families in Amsterdam priced out of international schools

Expat professionals with families in Amsterdam priced out of international schools
Due to the soaring popularity of Amsterdam as an expat professional destination, schools in it’s Amstelveen district will soon have a majority of English-speaking pupils. Local media are reporting that Dutch schools in the district will soon have few Dutch-speaking children in their classes, as the area is now overrun with expatriate...

New expats in Spain urged to avoid unregulated property agents

New expats in Spain urged to avoid unregulated property agents
Expat arrivals in Spain are being warned over a lack of professionally qualified, experienced players in the country’s real estate game. Given that property scandals in Spain have wrecked the lives of a good number of British expats, the fact that just about anyone can set up as a real estate agent is worrying, to say the least. Posing...