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Stranded expats with Thai wives and families to return soon

Stranded expats with Thai wives and families to return soon
Expats married to Thais but stranded overseas are finally closer to returning to their Thailand homes. Ever since the Thai government banned incoming flights, many expats with Thai wives and children have been stranded overseas with no idea when they’ll be able to return to their loved ones. Several English language news sites have...

Saudi status as an expat professional hub draws to a close

Saudi status as an expat professional hub draws to a close
Is Saudi Arabia finished as a favourite destination for expatriate workers? Those who predicted expat life as it’s known and loved would be snuffed out by the pandemic were ridiculed at first, but developments over the past several months are suggesting the doom-sayers may well be right. International media outlets are now reporting a...

Expats needing a second passport and residency should head for Belize

Expats needing a second passport and residency should head for Belize
Expats needing residency and a second passport should consider Belize. An article in a major USA-based business media outlet is recommending Belize as one of the best choices for expats looking for a second passport and permanent residency. New arrivals can expect to be able to live and work anywhere in the Caribbean as well as...

Can Hongkongers trust the Johnson offer of BN(O) passports?

Can Hongkongers trust the Johnson offer of BN(O) passports?
Can Hong Kong’s non-UK expats trust Boris Johnson’s promise of British National Overseas passports? Boris Johnson’s surprise announcement catapulted the UK into the heart of the row between Hongkongers and the Chinese government as regards its new, hated, attempt to take total control over the former British possession. If Boris’s...

Expats considering Cambodia should head for Kampot or Kep

Expats considering Cambodia should head for Kampot or Kep
If you’re considering Cambodia as your new expat hideaway, there are still places the Chinese haven’t yet discovered. For expats looking to find an inexpensive, fascinating hideaway with little in the way of visa hassles, Cambodia is worth your research time, although there’s one issue which needs careful contemplation. The country...

Expats in Singapore fearing for their jobs as redundancies soar

Expats in Singapore fearing for their jobs as redundancies soar
Expats in Singapore are now fearing for their jobs as well as their futures in the city state. With city state economists now predicting at least 200,000 redundancies by the end of 2020 as a result of the pandemic, expat professionals are now fearing for their careers and futures in the city they know as home. Singaporean employers are...

Coronavirus is killing Bali’s expat aimed luxury housing market

Coronavirus is killing Bali’s expat aimed luxury housing market
Expats are leaving Bali in droves, crashing the rental market for luxury homes. According to officials, some 75 per cent of Bali’s 100,000 expatriates are either leaving or have left due to the pandemic. The popular island’s tourism industry is in free fall, although prior to the coronavirus its exclusive property market was booming....

Asia now more expensive than Europe for expat professionals

Asia now more expensive than Europe for expat professionals
As pundits predict a world financial meltdown due to the coronavirus, are the planet’s most expensive cities telling a different story? As regards unbelievably high costs of living, Asia now takes the crown away from Europe, with Hong Kong, Osaka and Singapore sharing the number one spot in a recent survey. One thing’s for certain,...

Vietnam beats other SEA states as an expat career hub

Vietnam beats other SEA states as an expat career hub
Is living in Vietnam as an expat all it’s cracked up to be? Asia is the dream destination for a large number of would be expats from Western shores, but choosing the right location is another matter entirely. Recently, international media outlets and online forums have been citing Vietnam as the next big thing for entrepreneurs as well...

Buying property in Japan as an expat

Buying property in Japan as an expat
Buying an expat property in Japan has been a dream for many, but is now relatively straightforward. Until fairly recently, Japan was infamous for being a serious challenge for incoming expats, not just for the language but also due to the Japanese mistrust of foreigners. Nowadays, it’s very different due to this fascinating country’s...