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Expats in Southeast Asia unsure about shifting lockdown rulings

Expats in Southeast Asia unsure about shifting lockdown rulings
Expats in Southeast Asia fear the results of lifting local lockdowns. Expats living, working or retiring all across Southeast Asia are confused and afraid the various governments will either keep lockdowns on for an extended time or end them before the pandemic is under control. Either way, it’s bad news for those whose visas, jobs and...

Expats in Sydney get rent reductions on prime location apartments

Expats in Sydney get rent reductions on prime location apartments
For would-be expats heading to Australia, now’s the time to rent one of Sydney’s sought-after beachfront homes. Sydney’s exclusive beachfront apartments are a dream come true for those wealthy enough to afford them, or at least they were until the coronavirus pandemic saw a mass exodus of moneyed tenants rushing to get out of the...

Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats

Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats
Virtual viewing for expats looking to move house is now the latest way to circumvent the pandemic’s effect on everyday life. With the door now closed on open-house viewings, virtual home tours are filling the gap for both potential buyers as well as real estate agencies’ businesses. Given that Prague is now a favourite location for...

Quarantined expats in China forced to accept surveillance cameras

Quarantined expats in China forced to accept surveillance cameras
Are Western expats living and working in China as welcome as they believed? Recent reports of expat life in China have been overwhelmingly positive as regards support from local authorities, friendly locals, close communities and the lifestyle itself, but expats are now beginning to wonder if the pandemic has brought in racial prejudice...

Expats in Vietnam happy about economic reopening

Expats in Vietnam happy about economic reopening
Expats in Vietnam are the first foreign South East Asian residents to benefit from local economy re-opening. Whilst other SEA countries are extending their various bans and lockdowns, Vietnam has already ended overall social distancing with the exception of several Hanoi districts and has now shown no new infections for a full week due to...

How will Mexico change for its expat entrepreneurs after the virus?

How will Mexico change for its expat entrepreneurs after the virus?
Given that no-one really knows what the world and its expat hubs are going to be like after the virus has run its course, what should potential expats take as an example? A good proportion of expats heading south to Mexico’s Yucatan region from America’s border as well as from across the ocean are taking their knowledge of their final...

What not to do when planning your expatriation

What not to do when planning your expatriation
If you’re looking to emigrating to an unfamiliar overseas destination and don’t have time to fully research the location online, what’s the best way to collect the necessary information for a rational decision? The majority of expats new to this fascinating lifestyle game invariably head for online reviews placed by companies...

UK minister tells Brit expats not to plan on leaving the UK

UK minister tells Brit expats not to plan on leaving the UK
British government tells expat professionals and holidaymakers not to plan overseas travel. Citing Britain’s war against the coronavirus as the reason for his advice, UK Transport Minister Grant Shapps warned those wishing to leave the UK not to take overseas trips or holidays, no matter what the reason. Travel, he said, might not be...

Using lockdown time to determine your next expat destination

Using lockdown time to determine your next expat destination
For expats who’re at present trapped in another lockdowned country, planning your future location can while away the hours. Expatriation is like a drug to many seasoned world travellers, with a huge choice of diverse countries out there waiting to be explored. From digital nomads to expat professionals, moving on is something to look...

Turkish response to the coronavirus wins expat praise

Turkish response to the coronavirus wins expat praise
Expats living and working in Turkey are reassured by the government’s sensible and swift moves to contain coronavirus infection rates. Whether they’re British retirees living in the country’s coastal cities or expat professionals living and working in the capital, the general feeling of all incomers seems to be the government has...