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Tips for expats taking their pets with them on relocation
If you can’t bear to leave your beloved pets behind when you emigrate, these tips will help.
Planning to move overseas can be an exciting challenge, but leaving beloved dogs or cats behind isn’t an option for the vast majority of those heading to another country. Many pet owner have said relocating their furry best friends is more...
Vietnam beats other SEA states as an expat career hub
Is living in Vietnam as an expat all it’s cracked up to be? Asia is the dream destination for a large number of would be expats from Western shores, but choosing the right location is another matter entirely.
Recently, international media outlets and online forums have been citing Vietnam as the next big thing for entrepreneurs as well...
Brits looking to expatriate can now find property bargains
Sunnier climes and a better quality of life are the most often quoted reasons for leaving the UK.
Given that most would-be expatriates choose destinations high in sunshine, low in living expenses and superior as regards quality of life, has the pandemic caused the inclusion of other positives in order to balance the negatives of an...
Expat arrivals in Germany confused over dual healthcare insurance
If you’re heading to Germany to take on a new job, health insurance is high on the must-do list.
The major issues of moving to a new country include adjusting to an unfamiliar culture, learning a new language and taking on board new laws and regulations. Once you’ve actually arrived and are settling into your new routine, you’ll be...
Considering Costa Rica as a secure answer to expatriation
Expats are turning to Costa Rica for a successful transition to retirement or a new job.
Known as Latin America’s answer to Switzerland, Costa Rica is now catching on as a stable, democratic alternative to other popular European hubs. Its tax system favours expatriates, it’s committed to the preservation of its natural beauty and it...
Spanish nightclub owners gutted at Phase Three regulations
British expats in Spain’s Balearic Islands are gutted at Spain’s new measures preventing the spread of the virus in nightclubs.
Ibiza and Mallorca have been and are still favourites with British expats as well as tourists looking for a good time in the island’s nightclubs, and have been gearing up to reopen for some weeks. Sadly, a...
Vietnam returns to normal amongst happy locals and expats
Expats in Vietnam are savouring their new-found freedom as the entire country reopens.
It’s proof there’s life after lockdown, provided the government concerned does the right thing fast enough. That’s exactly what happened in Vietnam, whilst its near neighbours were struggling with the dichotomy of doing the right thing and the...
Expats in Hangzhou unhappy about new mobile tracking app
The Chinese city of Hangzhou is now using a mobile app to track its residents’ lifestyles.
The Chinese city’s authority is reassuring objectors the app will only monitor peoples’ exercise, sleep and drinking, but local social media outlets are outraged by the suggestion. Most are concerned about the invasion of their privacy, but...
Thailand expat community devastated by new entry requirements
If you’re considering emigrating to Thailand for work or retirement, you’ve just missed the chance!
For a country reliant on foreign money for a good proportion of its GDP, Thailand’s reaction to the pandemic and its effect on the local economy are surprising, to say the least. Its latest announcement made today that, without the...
Foreign spouses banned from returning to Thai wives and families
Thousands of Thai/expat couples are now separated either in the Kingdom or across the world.
As the pandemic seems to be slowing slightly, Thai/expat couples and their families are desperately hoping to be reunited in the near future. In spite of the decline of infections in the Kingdom, the junta government has just extended its incoming...