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Elderly Western expats in Thailand have problems with government gizmo

Elderly Western expats in Thailand have problems with government gizmo
Confusion reigns as Thailand’s elderly expats attempt to use the Thai government’s online answer to identifying and tracking coronavirus infections. For the many fascinated online onlookers of semi-rural Thailand’s expat scene, it’s always been assumed that the older, mostly male international community had arrived for two...

Prague pilot project to attract expats hoping to save the planet

Prague pilot project to attract expats hoping to save the planet
If saving the planet is one of your ideals, a recently announced Prague pilot project could be the chance of a lifetime. Although reports of this offer by Prague’s municipality government don’t specifically mention expats, this amazing project is perfect for would-be expatriates whose background and experience includes organic...

Expat teachers in Vietnam getting used to the new normal

Expat teachers in Vietnam getting used to the new normal
Expat teachers living and working in Vietnam are getting used to the new normal. Vietnam’s reaction to the coronavirus’s attack on the country was considered one of the planet’s most successful to date, allowing locals and expats to rediscover their lives and adjust. With many cites and towns now opening up after a period of...

Best countries to find work as an expat professional

Best countries to find work as an expat professional
If you’re excited about your prospects of becoming a successful expat professional overseas, choosing exactly the right location for your talents is essential. Apart from upgrading your portfolio, becoming an expat in a strange land is a thrilling way to see the world and experience diverse cultures. However, some countries make it...

Pandemic shutdowns give time to research expat destinations

Pandemic shutdowns give time to research expat destinations
If for nothing else, the pandemic and its lockdowns are the perfect time to research online for an affordable lifestyle overseas. During this unprecedented time in modern history, staying at home 24/7 apart from the occasional shopping trip may have sounded like heaven for many until it actually happened! Whilst high numbers are suffering...

Best world destinations for a gay-friendly expat lifestyle

Best world destinations for a gay-friendly expat lifestyle
Worldwide communities showing friendship and acceptance to gay people as well as having built-in legal protection are far more common than many would-be gay expats believe. It’s far easier nowadays to find a dream destination with warm weather, decent healthcare, low living costs and plenty of natural beauty which welcomes all comers, no...

Thailand to ask expats to help restore its tourism numbers

Thailand to ask expats to help restore its tourism numbers
One of the major economic issues arising from the coronavirus pandemic is its effect on tourism revenue, especially in Southeast Asian countries whose GDP depends on attracting literally many millions of visitors every year. It’s not just local businesses which rely on high numbers of incoming tourists to keep going, it’s also the...

Amazing Vietnam now being praised by its resident expats

Amazing Vietnam now being praised by its resident expats
Expats living and working in Vietnam are praising the country’s success in controlling the coronavirus pandemic. Given the devastating effect on the world economy caused by the pandemic, it’s no surprise that Vietnam’s speedy recovery including zero deaths is causing pundits to project an economic revival way ahead of those in the...

Study suggests expat relocations lead to better self-awareness

Study suggests expat relocations lead to better self-awareness
A new study is telling would-be expats that moving overseas is the best decision you’ll ever make. If you’re feeling as though you’re wading through a vast lake of mud and getting nowhere fast, becoming an expat in a strange land can lead to sharper decision making and a vastly improved sense of self. A study undertaken by social...

Thailand moves the goalposts for expat professionals and retirees

Thailand moves the goalposts for expat professionals and retirees
For several decades, Thailand was a place to pursue expat dreams, to live a tropical life or retire to a highly affordable, friendly country with an already established expat community. Many expats who’ve been living, working or retiring in Thailand are now wondering whether it’s time to move on, as so much has changed during the past...