International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 13

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Expats debate over Bangkok’s Golden Era

Expats debate over Bangkok’s Golden Era
Long-stay expats are remembering Bangkok's golden era. Nowadays, almost every world city seems to be changing so fast that long-stay expats hardly recognise the city they once knew and loved. The Thai capital is no exception to this rule, with many older expatriates expressing nostalgia for what used to be and not certain they’re at all...

Vietnam now fourth best in world for expat professionals

Vietnam now fourth best in world for expat professionals
Formerly known as Saigon, Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City is now the fourth most popular world expat destination. Over the past decade, Vietnam’s emergence into the expat world at large has been more than impressive, resulting in its present day popularity with professionals and retirees alike. This year’s InterNations poll confirms its...

Counting the unseen benefits of an expatriate overseas reassignment

Counting the unseen benefits of an expatriate overseas reassignment
Is taking a reassignment really worth it as regards the unseen benefits? Nowadays, it seems as though half the world is relocating to unfamiliar lands, whether it’s for career enhancement, a higher salary, an inexpensive retirement or simply the need for adventure and a better view of the world and its beauty. Working and travelling...

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?
How important is ‘community’ to expats? It’s well understood that humans have a need to belong in a supportive community, but how to replicate this after reassignment or relocation overseas can be a problem. Expat forums worldwide report on community activities as well as general topics, but reading isn’t the same as bonding and...

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment
In this 21st century world, crime is literally everywhere, with newly-arrived expats in an unfamiliar country at most risk. Safety and security rank highly in just about every expat survey, but can’t disguise the fact that violent crime and other disorderly conduct is the norm in these days of fabulous riches for the few and deprivation...

Creating a safety net for your elderly parents as an expat

Creating a safety net for your elderly parents as an expat
With its ever-increasing numbers of migrants in search of a new life and career enhancement, the 21st century is bidding fair to become another century of diaspora. Moving overseas for whatever reason can be exciting and challenging, but it all too often means the break-up of established family units in the home country. For expats with...

Essential requirements for budding expat entrepreneurs

Essential requirements for budding expat entrepreneurs
Which are the most important requirements for budding expat entrepreneurs? When considering the best expat location for your new business, the most important issue is choosing one which fits neatly with your sector. One recent survey focused on three sectors, import/export, digital and tech and the hospitality trade as in restaurants,...

Becoming a single female expat can be the lifestyle change you need

Becoming a single female expat can be the lifestyle change you need
Careful planning after research makes moving overseas as a single woman a breeze! Emigrating to an unfamiliar land is correctly seen as daunting for new expats due to culture shock and the total unfamiliarity of just about everything, but for single women it’s generally seen to be far worse. However, careful research, forward planning...

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life
However tempting a new job or reassignment may sound, moving lock, stock and barrow to a totally new land can be scary at best. Expat professionals heading to South Africa are following in the footsteps of foreigners who arrived more than a century ago and established the new land as an important part of the international trading network....

Trailing spouses facing divorce should get their own careers back

Trailing spouses facing divorce should get their own careers back
How can trailing spouses reignite their own careers after divorce? Sadly, divorce is often a by-product of a reassignment gone bad, leaving the wife to attempt to get her own career back on the burner after a marriage breakdown. Some 50 per cent of all overseas contracts fail, with 30 per cent of expatriates forced back to the home...