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Pro-democracy expats in Hong Kong now looking for a way out

Pro-democracy expats in Hong Kong now looking for a way out
Pro-democracy expats and Hong Kong residents are now under China’s controversial security laws. Since last Tuesday, the former British colony of Hong Kong is suffocating under the new and controversial security rules forced into law by the Chinese government. Western governments as well as the majority of expat professionals still...

Where to go to fulfil your post-pandemic expat ambitions

Where to go to fulfil your post-pandemic expat ambitions
If this was the year in which you were set to move overseas, at least until the coronavirus pandemic kicked in, what’s your plan right now? One thing’s for sure, the covid-19 world crisis has kicked many thousands of expats’ plans for 2020 right out of the ballpark, leaving them wondering where and when they can begin their new...

Expatriates in Hong Kong fearing Beijing’s new national security law

Expatriates in Hong Kong fearing Beijing’s new national security law
Are expats in Hong Kong at risk of falling foul of China’s new national security laws? As Hong Kong residents and expatriates hold their breath whilst China continues to push its new law, democracy activist Joshua Wong is fearing for their futures as well as his own. In spite of Wong’s support by pro-democracy movements across the...

The new world is coming for jobless expat professionals

The new world is coming for jobless expat professionals
One thing’s for certain, after the pandemic releases its grip there’ll be a huge number of talented expats looking to find their next overseas assignment. Whilst the planet prepares itself for a virus-free experience, redundant expat professionals will begin preparing themselves for the hard slog of finding a rewarding new job. The...

Second passports now accessory of choice for wealthy expats

Second passports now accessory of choice for wealthy expats
Why are second passports now the accessory of choice and how to get one. There are many motivations for acquiring a second passport, from the wish to make world travelling less stressful through getting more legal rights and avoiding issues with customs officials to taking advantage of greater freedom and lower taxes in the chosen second...

Educating your expat kids in Germany

Educating your expat kids in Germany
One of the most important aspect of emigration along with a young family is the quality and cost of education in your destination country. If you’re heading for Germany, you’d expect high standards of education as well as being able to access it for free. You wouldn’t be disappointed, as all Germans are rightly proud of their...

Saudi status as an expat professional hub draws to a close

Saudi status as an expat professional hub draws to a close
Is Saudi Arabia finished as a favourite destination for expatriate workers? Those who predicted expat life as it’s known and loved would be snuffed out by the pandemic were ridiculed at first, but developments over the past several months are suggesting the doom-sayers may well be right. International media outlets are now reporting a...

Hongqiao aims to assist even more expat professionals in new help centre

Hongqiao aims to assist even more expat professionals in new help centre
Expats in the Chinese city of Hongqiao will soon be happy to have their own foreign service centre in the downtown district of the vast city. One problem for expats living and working in China is the stupendous size of its cities and the difficulty of finding their way to essential destinations such as immigration and advice offices....

Cambodia to demand $3,000 deposit from expat arrivals

Cambodia to demand $3,000 deposit from expat arrivals
It’s bad news time for expats looking to Cambodia as their new home from home. Expats in Southeast Asia who’re investigating a transfer to Cambodia might well prefer to think again. The Cambodian government’s shock announcement that both foreigners and locals arriving in the country will be forced to pay out a deposit of $3,000 to...

For a unique expat experience Albania is the place

For a unique expat experience Albania is the place
Even although some might well have to find a map to establish Albania’s location, this unique country is making waves in the expat world. First becoming popular as a tourism destination, Albania is now the new kid on the expat block as regards long-term stays, Although the vast majority of foreigners arrive on holiday, increasing...