International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 31

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Saving versus spending for expat professionals in Dubai

Saving versus spending for expat professionals in Dubai
For a good few arriving expat professionals taking up residence in Dubai, the end-game is to be much more than financially comfortable by the time they leave, but not many realise that dream. If winning the lottery is the dream of those in everyday jobs, getting relocated to Dubai is the dream of expat professionals. The prize is the same...

Shenzhen now world number one for tech innovations

Shenzhen now world number one for tech innovations
Graduates and expat innovators are flocking to Shenzhen for its growing reputation as China’s hub of tech innovation. Beijing is way ahead when it comes to top-flight universities, but graduates from all over China and the West are choosing Shenzhen as the place to float their innovative ideas. The city’s companies file more...

Saudi job vacancies buck usual summer trend

Saudi job vacancies buck usual summer trend
Saudi recruitment firms are seeing increased numbers of vacancies for expatriate executives, bucking the usually quieter summer trend. Summer in Saudi Arabia is traditionally a quiet time for executive vacancies, but the summer of 2018 is proving to be an exception to the rule. Across the Middle East in general, vacancies for experienced...

Asian cities including Beijing becoming unaffordable for expats

Asian cities including Beijing becoming unaffordable for expats
Due to short supply and rising demand, rentals in China’s major cities are heading for the skies. Increases in apartment rental charges in major Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are happening month by month, causing concern in China’s expat communities. The rise in demand by college graduates is being...

Irish eyes are smiling in the UAE

Irish eyes are smiling in the UAE
Over the past few years, the Irish expat community in the UAE has expanded from around 4,000 to 11,000, mostly due to the construction boom in the Gulf region. It’s not just the UAE that’s become a magnet for Irish construction professionals, with Saudi Arabia now home to 2,700. Qatar hosts 2,000 and the smaller emirates of Kuwait,...

Expats heading for China urged to get genuine documentation

Expats heading for China urged to get genuine documentation
Incoming expat professionals can easily be confused by China’s visa application process, ending up with dodgy visa agents. Moving to a country with a totally unfamiliar language is quite a challenge, even for the most adventurous expat professionals, especially when getting a legal permit to stay and work. Entrepreneurs are rushing to...

Brit expat havens across the world

Brit expat havens across the world
For Brits yearning to live anywhere but in the UK, there’s a good choice of locations. Moving overseas isn’t an easy decision but, as the cost of living soars and the notorious British weather gets even more unpredictable, a place in the sun seems irresistible. Some 5.5 million Britons are living permanently overseas, with several...

Stages of settling in for new expats in China

Stages of settling in for new expats in China
September in China sees a rush of students and expat professionals arriving to study, start small businesses, teach English and work in pre-arranged positions in the vast country’s major cities. Settling in anywhere is tricky for the vast majority of expatriates, but China holds unique challenges for Westerners as regards language,...

Expats heading to UAE urged to check their legal rights

Expats heading to UAE urged to check their legal rights
Expatriates heading to the UAE are being advised to check the emirates’ legal rights pertaining to worker-employer relationships. Legal rights for new expat employees in the UAE encompass wage negotiations, safe working conditions and incentives as well as other crucial rights given to employees by UAE laws. Once the written offer of...

Basing your expat dreams on your actual needs

Basing your expat dreams on your actual needs
Deciding to move to a holiday destination you’ve fallen in love with can be a mistake. It’s easy to arrive on holiday in an unfamiliar country and immediately fall in love with its way of life, culture and laid-back lifestyle for expats, but deciding to up sticks and emigrate based on your recent experience can be a major mistake....