News - Emigrate UK Page 18

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British expats fleeing mainland Europe should head for Cyprus

British expats fleeing mainland Europe should head for Cyprus
If you’re a fan of world history and love the Mediterranean lifestyle, the ancient island of Cyprus is waiting for you. Always a favourite for Brits searching sunshine, warmth and a laid-back lifestyle, Cyprus has a lot to offer for those planning to emigrate rather than staying in post-Brexit Britain. The island’s incredible history...

New career programme helps expat professionals understand the Danish way

New career programme helps expat professionals understand the Danish way
Copenhagen City Hall is urging expat professionals to stay, saying the city needs them! According to the city’s Greater Copenhagen Career Programme, the present problem is retaining talented expat professionals who’re in high demand but short supply. The programme is fighting to keep its expat talent by organising courses for new...

Female expats suffering salary increase inequality as well as gender pay gaps

Female expats suffering salary increase inequality as well as gender pay gaps
Research has shown female expats are suffering from the gender pay gap in almost all favourite expatriate professional locations. Independent research is confirming what female expats have always known – they’re being short-changed in the salary stakes. An independent study has revealed almost 66 per cent of male expats are being paid...

Prague takes second place in survey of best cities for new graduate jobs

Prague takes second place in survey of best cities for new graduate jobs
An expat sector mostly ignored in articles on emigrating is that of newly graduated students searching for jobs overseas. Nowadays, many young people choose overseas universities for their graduate study years. Reasons vary from the cost of a university degree in the home country, a better choice of specialties and the expat student...

Getting to grips with Dutch law as it applies to expat families

Getting to grips with Dutch law as it applies to expat families
Expat families relocating to the Netherlands will need to know about the country’s family laws. Moving overseas and starting a new life as a family is exciting as well as hard work, but those attempting to fit in to their adopted country will need to check out Dutch family laws. For example, even although cohabitation is widely accepted...

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?

Are established expat communities really important for new arrivals?
How important is ‘community’ to expats? It’s well understood that humans have a need to belong in a supportive community, but how to replicate this after reassignment or relocation overseas can be a problem. Expat forums worldwide report on community activities as well as general topics, but reading isn’t the same as bonding and...

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment

Safety is paramount for expats on a new assignment
In this 21st century world, crime is literally everywhere, with newly-arrived expats in an unfamiliar country at most risk. Safety and security rank highly in just about every expat survey, but can’t disguise the fact that violent crime and other disorderly conduct is the norm in these days of fabulous riches for the few and deprivation...

Creating a safety net for your elderly parents as an expat

Creating a safety net for your elderly parents as an expat
With its ever-increasing numbers of migrants in search of a new life and career enhancement, the 21st century is bidding fair to become another century of diaspora. Moving overseas for whatever reason can be exciting and challenging, but it all too often means the break-up of established family units in the home country. For expats with...

Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?

Posted on November 7, 2019 in Visas
STORY LINK Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?
Which world passport is best for itenerant expats?
Nowadays, the expat life is likely to include travel between a far larger number of world countries than ever before. In the increasingly mobile world of expat professionals and digital nomads, the best passport is one giving the highest number of countries allowing visa free entry, thus making international travel far easier and less...

Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome

Posted on November 6, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome
Expats on Malta gambling against a bad Brexit outcome
British expat on Malta don’t seem at all confused about their post-Brexit future. As things stand at present, whichever style of Brexit is the final result it’s expatriates who’ll bear the immediate brunt of Britain’s leaving the UK. They’re also the least able to adjust their lifestyles to an acceptable version of that which...