UK News - Emigrate UK Page 13

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Expats and residents in Gibraltar fear Spanish post-Brexit revenge

Expats and residents in Gibraltar fear Spanish post-Brexit revenge
Expats, businesses and residents on the Rock are increasingly worried about Spain’s reaction to a hard Brexit. For most residents and expats living and working in Gibraltar, Spain is a known threat for its former spiteful behaviour towards the Rock, which they consider is part of the Spanish mainland. The neighbouring country has the...

Financial necessities for expat students at foreign universities

Financial necessities for expat students at foreign universities
Expatriation isn’t always for work-related reasons or retirement, as increasing numbers of graduate students are choosing to study for their degrees at overseas universities. For the student generation, three or more years spent at a foreign university is an exciting project as well as a scary one, but a degree obtained under those...

British expats advised to double check Airbnb accommodation for drugs

British expats advised to double check Airbnb accommodation for drugs
Expats using Airbnb for short term accommodation are being urged to check rental properties carefully on arrival for anything unusual. The call comes after a British businessman was arrested following a police raid on his rented villa during which 1.5 tonnes of hashish was discovered. Robert Mansfield-Hewitt was on a short business trip...

French natural disaster insurance procedure for expats

French natural disaster insurance procedure for expats
The June floods and mudslides in France have resulted in expats desperate for details on the procedure for natural disaster home insurance claims. The Dordogne’s historic town of Eymet and its large population of British expats were badly hit when the region suffered floods and mudslides as a result of catastrophic levels of rainfall....

Paris now in Economist 20 top world cities for first time

Paris now in Economist 20 top world cities for first time
Paris is famous all over the world as the city of love, and it’s now one of 20 top cities for expats. The Economist magazine’s liveability index is highly regarded for its lists of the best world cities for expat professional. . For the first time, Paris is now one of its top 20 world cities, coming in at 19th as a result of its...

How do new expat moms cope with Dutch school parental etiquette

How do new expat moms cope with Dutch school parental etiquette
Being an expat mom as well a trailing spouse is complicated enough but coping with Dutch primary school parental etiquette is another story. The problem isn’t simply dropping off your kids at their new Dutch schools and hoping they’ll integrate successfully, as parents’ integration is also important and trickier by far. Once on the...

Combining expat entrepreneurship with low tax rates

Combining expat entrepreneurship with low tax rates
Deciding to start your own business is scary enough, but deciding to become an entrepreneur in another country is only for the brave! Becoming a self-employed expatriate may well be the toughest move you’ve ever made, but the internet age is all about taking chances and making your dreams come true, no matter where you’re living at...

Adapting to life as an expat in France

Adapting to life as an expat in France
If you’re planning to emigrate to France before Brexit kicks in, clueing into to the French lifestyle is an essential task. Living in France is a dream for many Britons who’re sick of British politics, British weather and the prospect of a diminished UK due to Brexit. France, it seems, represents the mythical land of milk and honey,...

UK expats angry over Barclaycard cut off

UK expats angry over Barclaycard cut off
British expats with Barclaycards will see their accounts closed if they can’t provide an authorised British address. Barclaycard holders with overseas addresses in all but 11 overseas locations have been hit by the sudden change in the credit card giant’s terms and conditions. They have until August 6 to inform the bank of their UK...

Brexit select committee urges EU to officially protect UK expat rights

Brexit select committee urges EU to officially protect UK expat rights
Britain’s Brexit select committee has called on EU leaders to protect the rights of the one million UK citizens living in EU member states. \r\n\r\nAs Britain edges closer to a no-deal Brexit and UK expats in EU countries become even more afraid, Brexit select committee MPs are urging Brussels to ensure a public commitment to an estimated...