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Is expat travel overseas dead in the water?

Is expat travel overseas dead in the water?
Are air travel corridors the answer for expats on the move? First introduced as a measure to transport trapped travellers and expats back to their home countries, air corridors are now being mooted as one way to keep international movement alive as well as providing struggling carriers an escape from looming bankruptcy. Whether it’s the...

Getting used to a new country as an expat professional arrival

Getting used to a new country as an expat professional arrival
After the excitement of moving overseas and becoming an expat, most new arrivals begin to miss certain reliable aspects of their old life. Dependent on the culture of the destination country, almost all expats will feel the pangs of separation from experiences which were the norm for most of their lives to date. Perhaps the first to cause...

Teaching English in Myanmar for a unique expat experience

Teaching English in Myanmar for a unique expat experience
If you’re looking for adventure and a totally unique expat experience, look no further than teaching in Myanmar. Held back by politics and internal strife for many years, Thailand’s next door neighbour is slowly opening up to the West, especially as regards educating its children. Opportunities for expat teachers are now at a high...

Study suggests links between poor air quality and increased covid-19 infections

Study suggests links between poor air quality and increased covid-19 infections
A new study is suggesting links between high air pollution and increased cases of coronavirus is scaring expats living in danger zones. The new study, recently undertaken by the World Bank Group, seems to indicate that those living in highly polluted areas are at more risk of contracting the virus. Worse still, the study raises the...

How to get the best expat rental deal in overpriced Prague

How to get the best expat rental deal in overpriced Prague
New expat arrivals in Prague may get better deals on rental apartments by using these tips. Real estate agents in the popular city are advising new expatriate arrivals to negotiate rental discounts at this time of virus threat and projected economic downturn. Prague is infamous in expat circles for its sky-high rental charges, with most...

Cash strapped expat parents requesting discounts from independent schools

Cash strapped expat parents requesting discounts from independent schools
Expats with children enrolled in international schools are looking to discounts covering the long coronavirus-linked closures. Taking the UK as an example, its private schools were closed March 20, thus allowing the pupils to return home just a week early. Bills for the summer semester are now being sent out, with many expat parents...

Choosing the best location for your new expat life

Choosing the best location for your new expat life
How to get from loving a location to living in it. For many would-be expats, wanderlust sets in during or just after the holiday of their dreams, drawing them back to the same place for several years running and finally causing a sense of dissatisfaction with the home country. At that moment, another would-be expat is born, screaming to...

Career advancement for expat trailing spouses in the Netherlands

Career advancement for expat trailing spouses in the Netherlands
Trailing spouses determined not to interrupt their own careers face challenging odds in the Netherlands. Nowadays, the majority of trailing spouses are unwilling to become stay-at-home partners as they’ve their own career advancement to consider. Unfortunately, finding a new job in the Netherlands can be challenging at best and...

Predictions for Prague’s expat real estate market

Predictions for Prague’s expat real estate market
It’s as yet uncertain as to the effect of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic will have on property prices and rental charges, but Prague’s version is expected to slow down as regards both sales and rentals. Over the past decade, the Czech Republic and its capital Prague have been a popular destination for expat professionals as well as...

Expats in Vietnam staying as they feel safer than at home

Expats in Vietnam staying as they feel safer than at home
Expats are breathing sighs of relief as Vietnam opens its economy on a ten day trial basis. Vietnam’s hard work in convincing everyone it’s a safe destination amongst Southeast Asian chaos seems now to have borne fruit as the country announces its economy is now open. Albeit the opening is on a trial basis for 10 days, there seems no...