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Is Vietnam the answer for expats worried about their futures in Thailand?

Is Vietnam the answer for expats worried about their futures in Thailand?
Expats in Thailand are getting serious about moving to Vietnam Thailand’s traditional popularity with expats seems to be fading, but Southeast Asia itself is still a popular choice with Vietnam at the head of the list. In one popular survey earlier this year, Thailand lost ground on quality of life, digital life, affordability,...

Liveable European destination for expat retirees on a budget

Liveable European destination for expat retirees on a budget
In spite of rumours to the contrary, Europe is still an affordable destination for expat retirees on limited pensions. Many would-be expats, especially those from countries such as the USA where pensions are more generous than in the UK, still believe Europe is out of reach as regards its overall cost of living. One reason for this...

New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot

Posted on November 1, 2019 in Spain
STORY LINK New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot
New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot
Finding the best European destination for a settled, affordable retirement may be a futile exercise should Brexit happen, but there’s still hope. For those still living in a dream world and hoping against hope it’ll become reality when common sense prevails, the latest survey gives an obvious winner and some interesting alternatives....

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life
However tempting a new job or reassignment may sound, moving lock, stock and barrow to a totally new land can be scary at best. Expat professionals heading to South Africa are following in the footsteps of foreigners who arrived more than a century ago and established the new land as an important part of the international trading network....

Eindhoven seeing real estate shortages due to expat invasion

Eindhoven seeing real estate shortages due to expat invasion
Increased numbers of expat arrivals in European destinations are forcing property prices through the roof. The present day acceleration in the numbers of expats heading overseas to further their dreams of start-up success is causing property shortage chaos in many popular European locations as well as spurring unprecedented rises in...

Expats loving the perks and privileges of a move to Europe

Expats loving the perks and privileges of a move to Europe
Recent research reveals expats in Europe are loving the perks and the lifestyle. Some 33 million expatriates are estimated to be living in Europe at the present time, enjoying perks such as top salaries, career boosters, longer parental leave, better educational opportunities and a new, luxury lifestyle. One of the reasons why expat...

Medical expat professionals warned about burnout in USA hospitals

Medical expat professionals warned about burnout in USA hospitals
If you’re thinking of taking a new job in the USA, make sure you’re in perfect mental health before you go! The USA’s healthcare industry is as famous for its excellence as it is infamous for the massive cost of treatment, but a recent report claims its qualified professionals are on their last legs due to burnout. For decades,...

Choices in Spain for expats determined to disregard the Brexit effect

Choices in Spain for expats determined to disregard the Brexit effect
If you’re still determined not to allow Brexit to wreck your Spanish retirement dream, there’s plenty of choice as regards locations. Your final choice of destination will depend on two factors – your preferred lifestyle and affordability. The affordability requirement is straightforward, based on the fact that living in major cities...

Transferwise set to corner the market in remittances from Arab States

Transferwise set to corner the market in remittances from Arab States
With sterling teetering on the edge of another fall, British expats transferring payments and deposits in their local currency back to their UK bank accounts are losing every which way due to expensive transfer charges. Wherever in the world UK expatriates are based, the majority will need to transfer cash back to the home country, whether...

Key factors determining expat retirees’ choice of destination

Key factors determining expat retirees’ choice of destination
What are the key factors which should determine would-be expat retirees’ choice of destination? Many potential expat retirees fall in love with a particular destination after spending enjoyable holidays in or near the area, but living full-time overseas isn’t the same as visiting, however regular. Choosing a location which supports...