International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 17

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Ireland wins hands down for easily understood workplace etiquette

Ireland wins hands down for easily understood workplace etiquette
For new arrivals in a strange land, adjusting to a new workplace etiquette can be a nightmare. One of the biggest challenges for newly reassigned expat professionals is fitting into an established work culture whilst still trying to adjust to an unfamiliar lifestyle. Those heading for the Gulf States, China or Japan are most at risk of...

In expat hell, the neighbours would be Swiss

In expat hell, the neighbours would be Swiss
Switzerland may well be the favoured destination for expat lifestyles and career progression, but are its doors shut to all but the financial elite? The latest Expat Explorer survey featured the cold, small but fantastically wealthy country as this year’s expats’ favourite number one destination, but just how many aspiring...

How to make the move overseas a success for the entire family

How to make the move overseas a success for the entire family
Even for adults, uprooting and starting a new life in a strange land can be daunting, but for children it’s a mix of anxiety and excitement. When you’re planning a career-oriented reassignment overseas, it’s inevitable your kids won’t have a say in the decision, but keeping them in the loop will ensure the move has a positive...

Advice for female expats heading for Japan

Advice for female expats heading for Japan
Japan is one of the world’s most fascinating countries on many different levels, especially if you’re a female expat looking to stay for a good while. The transition from the Western world to anywhere in Asia can be more than the challenge of relocating within Europe, and it’s not just the language, it’s the totally different...

How to cope with your new role as trailing husband

How to cope with your new role as trailing husband
Much is written about coping with relocation as a trailing spouse, but the vast majority of articles assume the spouse is female. Admittedly, the numbers of trailing husbands are far lower than their female equivalents, but the stress of suddenly losing your work identity isn’t any easier to counteract and can have life-changing...

Female expat entrepreneurs more than welcome in Australia

Female expat entrepreneurs more than welcome in Australia
Australia gives the best news for gender equality as it welcomes female expats into its work culture. Australia globally rates as one of the top gender-neutral economies, with top women taking up positions in the country’s major corporate businesses. In general, it’s rated as 18th best in the world for startups, out of 190 other...

How do expats make out in Asia’s overpriced cities?

How do expats make out in Asia’s overpriced cities?
As Asian cities are still some of the most expensive in the world for expats, is it really worth the effort? Places such as Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul and Singapore feature regularly in the world’s most expensive expat cities lists, but never seem to lose their popularity as career and social life hubs. Surveys base their results on...

How expats can help their children become bilingual

How expats can help their children become bilingual
Depending on how expat parents view the situation, growing up bilingually may be a blessing or a curse. Families who follow the chief breadwinner overseas in his search for the perfect career opportunity are often desperate for tips on how to ensure the younger members grasp the language of their new homeland without forgetting how to use...

Shanghai considered one of the world’s safest cities for expats

 Shanghai considered one of the world’s safest cities for expats
For expats heading to Shanghai but fearing for their personal safety, Italian police have given it the all-clear. Every year, Shanghai invites a small delegation of Italian police officers to join in a joint patrol around several districts and meet up with Italian expatriates living and working in the massive city. This year’s invitees,...

How to ensure your new expat workers don’t have breakdowns

How to ensure your new expat workers don’t have breakdowns
Staying sane whilst moving overseas is an increasingly popular subject for online blogs and articles. Moving overseas, whether it’s a reassignment, a personal decision or a retirement dream, is always stressful, but recent articles on how to stay sane or at least in charge of the procedure are concentrating on the damage to expats’...