International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 18

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Asia now the most expensive continent for expats

Asia now the most expensive continent for expats
Whilst formerly top expat destinations fade due to currency woes, economic instability and anti-foreigner sentiment, Asia is the place to head for if you’re earning top dollar as you’ll need it just to get by. Once known as the world’s bargain basement for cost of living as well as quality of life, Asia as a whole is now becoming...

Changing careers midstream as an expat needs to be done carefully

Changing careers midstream as an expat needs to be done carefully
Changing careers midstream can be challenging for expats, but step-by-step planning increases the chance of success. Changing careers can be deliberate or it can be purely accidental, as in a new contact offering you what may seem like the opportunity of a lifetime. Either way, it needs to be done carefully and with a full understanding...

Where’s best for expat professionals and their families?

Where’s best for expat professionals and their families?
Planning an international relocation to include your family can be far more complicated than moving as a single expat. For expat professionals taking their families along for the ride, priorities such as schooling, healthcare, childcare, suitable housing and the essential issue of safety and security come first, well above nightlife,...

What can newly arrived expat professionals expect from Bangkok?

What can newly arrived expat professionals expect from Bangkok?
If you’re heading for a new job in Bangkok, what’s in the city for you? For a good while, Bangkok has been a favourite for expats looking for a totally new lifestyle at a reasonable price along with plenty to do and see outside working hours. Although it’s not what it was prior to the past several years, it’s still a hub for...

Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria

Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria
Recent reports of a new wave of oil thefts in Nigeria have caused concern amongst expat professionals working in the oil and gas industry. Over the years, expats working in Africa have become used to flare-ups threatening their security. as vandalism and fuel theft are recurring issues for multinationals in the region. However, it’s...

Where to settle outside Europe for disenchanted expats

Where to settle outside Europe for disenchanted expats
If you’ve finally decided to leave both the UK and the EU to their own Brexit devices, where’s the best place to go outside Europe? Whether you’re still in the UK and fearful of what might come next or already living in Europe but not sure you’ll be allowed to stay, it’s maybe time to wake up from the nightmare of uncertainty....

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat

How to cope with first language attrition as a newly arrived expat
First language attrition when learning a new language can be a problem for expats. Many expats who’ve accepted a relocation to an unfamiliar country with an even more unfamiliar language can experience ‘first language attrition’ – the forgetting of familiar words leading to an inability to correctly express themselves in their...

Japan’s mix of ancient and modern draws adventurous expats

Japan’s mix of ancient and modern draws adventurous expats
If you’re captivated with Japan’s fascinating history and unique culture, working in one of its major cities will be the experience of a lifetime. Japan is unique in the world for its culture and history, although living there may not be every would-be expat’s dream. From the crowded mega-cities to the ancient remnants of its...

Experienced expat pilots required for South Korean low cost carrier startups

Experienced expat pilots required for South Korean low cost carrier startups
South Korea’s new startup low cost airlines are facing pilot shortages. South Korea’s new low-cost carriers are unable to get off the ground due to a shortage of qualified, experienced pilots. AeroK, Fly Gangwon and Air Premia are scheduled to start their operations either in 2020 or 2021, but are at present unable to fulfil official...

Expat professional wages in Singapore see another increase

Expat professional wages in Singapore see another increase
If you’re heading for Singapore to find that perfect job, you’ll earn six per cent more than if you’d arrived last year! Expatriate pay packages in the popular city-state have risen to $263,258, with the average expat salary coming in at $90,170. Unsurprisingly given the high cost of living, a recent survey revealed over half of...