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Expats in Singapore fearing for their jobs as redundancies soar
Expats in Singapore are now fearing for their jobs as well as their futures in the city state.
With city state economists now predicting at least 200,000 redundancies by the end of 2020 as a result of the pandemic, expat professionals are now fearing for their careers and futures in the city they know as home. Singaporean employers are...
Tips for expats taking their pets with them on relocation
If you can’t bear to leave your beloved pets behind when you emigrate, these tips will help.
Planning to move overseas can be an exciting challenge, but leaving beloved dogs or cats behind isn’t an option for the vast majority of those heading to another country. Many pet owner have said relocating their furry best friends is more...
Asia now more expensive than Europe for expat professionals
As pundits predict a world financial meltdown due to the coronavirus, are the planet’s most expensive cities telling a different story?
As regards unbelievably high costs of living, Asia now takes the crown away from Europe, with Hong Kong, Osaka and Singapore sharing the number one spot in a recent survey. One thing’s for certain,...
Singapore loses its charm for career oriented expats
Is Singapore the next career hub to suffer an expat exodus?
Many expat professionals in Singapore are finding their lives have changed beyond recognition djue to the coronavirus. Whilst the city state is still a popular destination for the career-minded, its appeal has been lessened by measures put in place in an attempt to slow the...
Buying property in Japan as an expat
Buying an expat property in Japan has been a dream for many, but is now relatively straightforward.
Until fairly recently, Japan was infamous for being a serious challenge for incoming expats, not just for the language but also due to the Japanese mistrust of foreigners. Nowadays, it’s very different due to this fascinating country’s...
Expats fear Hong Dong doom and gloom may be terminal
As the future of Hong Kong becomes more difficult to predict with any certainty, its social tensions are being reflected in its expat lifestyles and property prices.
Last year’s seemingly endless demonstrations had already taken a toll on the city’s luxury property purchase and leasing, with China’s recent release of its new laws...
Malta to welcome Brit expats even after no-deal Brexit
Is Brexit scaring British expats away from jobs in Malta?
Prior to the disastrous result of the Brexit referendum, British job-seekers had the whole of the EU to consider when deciding to pursue their careers outside the UK. Nowadays, it’s a totally different story, with positions in EU member states far harder to find and get. Would-be...
Hong Kong expats fearing new China rulings
Expats in Hong Kong are now deeply insecure due to the new Chinese ruling.
Hong Kong citizens and expats as well as the world were stunned when China announced its new national security law to be imposed on the island. Fears its introduction would finally kill off the unique freedoms enjoyed as a result of the handing over of Hong Kong to...
British expat diaspora spreads across half the world
It may come as a surprise that about one in every 10 of Britain’s population are living overseas.
At the present time, over 5.5 million Britons are living overseas, with a further 2,000 leaving every week of the year. The information was derived from data collected in a survey undertaken by the Institute for Public Policy Research as...
Thailand expat community devastated by new entry requirements
If you’re considering emigrating to Thailand for work or retirement, you’ve just missed the chance!
For a country reliant on foreign money for a good proportion of its GDP, Thailand’s reaction to the pandemic and its effect on the local economy are surprising, to say the least. Its latest announcement made today that, without the...