International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 4
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Foreign spouses banned from returning to Thai wives and families
Thousands of Thai/expat couples are now separated either in the Kingdom or across the world.
As the pandemic seems to be slowing slightly, Thai/expat couples and their families are desperately hoping to be reunited in the near future. In spite of the decline of infections in the Kingdom, the junta government has just extended its incoming...
Is the pandemic the end of the road for expat freelancers?
For international freelance digital nomads, where to go to escape the worst of the pandemic?
Nowadays, international digital nomads make up a good proportion of expats overseas, but rarely confine themselves to a single destination. Now that almost nowhere seems safe as regards infection, getting trapped in a single country or simply...
Homesickness isn’t compulsory for newly arrived expats
Moving overseas to take on a new job is an exciting experience for the vast majority of expat professionals.
The majority of expats moving overseas for work spend time checking out their destinations online long before the move actually takes place. Videos of glorious sunsets, spectacular beaches, azure-blue seas and colourful traditional...
Proposed new Kuwaiti law aims to rid the country of expat professionals
Kuwait is now planning to sack all expat professionals and replace them with locals.
According to the Kuwait Times, the emirate’s government is about to give the go-ahead for the sacking of all expat employees and replacing them with locals. In addition, all expat employment applications already in the pipeline are to be frozen,...
Getting used to a new country as an expat professional arrival
After the excitement of moving overseas and becoming an expat, most new arrivals begin to miss certain reliable aspects of their old life.
Dependent on the culture of the destination country, almost all expats will feel the pangs of separation from experiences which were the norm for most of their lives to date. Perhaps the first to cause...
Best countries to find work as an expat professional
If you’re excited about your prospects of becoming a successful expat professional overseas, choosing exactly the right location for your talents is essential.
Apart from upgrading your portfolio, becoming an expat in a strange land is a thrilling way to see the world and experience diverse cultures. However, some countries make it...
Pandemic shutdowns give time to research expat destinations
If for nothing else, the pandemic and its lockdowns are the perfect time to research online for an affordable lifestyle overseas.
During this unprecedented time in modern history, staying at home 24/7 apart from the occasional shopping trip may have sounded like heaven for many until it actually happened! Whilst high numbers are suffering...
Best world destinations for a gay-friendly expat lifestyle
Worldwide communities showing friendship and acceptance to gay people as well as having built-in legal protection are far more common than many would-be gay expats believe.
It’s far easier nowadays to find a dream destination with warm weather, decent healthcare, low living costs and plenty of natural beauty which welcomes all comers, no...
Cash strapped expat parents requesting discounts from independent schools
Expats with children enrolled in international schools are looking to discounts covering the long coronavirus-linked closures.
Taking the UK as an example, its private schools were closed March 20, thus allowing the pupils to return home just a week early. Bills for the summer semester are now being sent out, with many expat parents...
Choosing the best location for your new expat life
How to get from loving a location to living in it.
For many would-be expats, wanderlust sets in during or just after the holiday of their dreams, drawing them back to the same place for several years running and finally causing a sense of dissatisfaction with the home country. At that moment, another would-be expat is born, screaming to...