News - Emigrate UK Page 19

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Becoming a single female expat can be the lifestyle change you need

Becoming a single female expat can be the lifestyle change you need
Careful planning after research makes moving overseas as a single woman a breeze! Emigrating to an unfamiliar land is correctly seen as daunting for new expats due to culture shock and the total unfamiliarity of just about everything, but for single women it’s generally seen to be far worse. However, careful research, forward planning...

Hainan now encouraging global expat professionals with perks and permanence

Hainan now encouraging global expat professionals with perks and permanence
China’s Hainan island province is now proving popular with talented expats from scores of world countries. A release from the island’s Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs has revealed work permits have been given to no fewer than 1,507 talented expat professionals hailing from over 80 countries worldwide. The majority arrived...

New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot

Posted on November 1, 2019 in Spain
STORY LINK New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot
New expat retirement survey sees Spain take top spot
Finding the best European destination for a settled, affordable retirement may be a futile exercise should Brexit happen, but there’s still hope. For those still living in a dream world and hoping against hope it’ll become reality when common sense prevails, the latest survey gives an obvious winner and some interesting alternatives....

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life

South Africa’s best cities for expat professional life
However tempting a new job or reassignment may sound, moving lock, stock and barrow to a totally new land can be scary at best. Expat professionals heading to South Africa are following in the footsteps of foreigners who arrived more than a century ago and established the new land as an important part of the international trading network....

Copenhagen rental scams aimed at new expat arrivals

Posted on October 30, 2019 in Europe News
STORY LINK Copenhagen rental scams aimed at new expat arrivals
Copenhagen rental scams aimed at new expat arrivals
Expats arriving in Copenhagen are being urged to watch out for rental overcharging. It’s now well-known that landlords in Copenhagen are scamming newly-arrived expats by charging apartment rentals set around 28 per cent higher than those charged to locals. Everyone appreciates life in the city is getting more expensive by the day, but...

Will Brexit change the French attitude towards Brit expats?

Will Brexit change the French attitude towards Brit expats?
Moving to France or any other unfamiliar country is a massive lifestyle change. For decades, France has been a major destination for Britons looking to start a new life, whether with a new job, a relocation, a start-up or in retirement. The closeness of the home country is a major draw, especially if you’ve a network of close friends...

Medical expat professionals warned about burnout in USA hospitals

Medical expat professionals warned about burnout in USA hospitals
If you’re thinking of taking a new job in the USA, make sure you’re in perfect mental health before you go! The USA’s healthcare industry is as famous for its excellence as it is infamous for the massive cost of treatment, but a recent report claims its qualified professionals are on their last legs due to burnout. For decades,...

Is India a good choice for expat career progression?

Is India a good choice for expat career progression?
India may not be the first country which springs to mind as an expat professional destination, but the reality can bring on a pleasant surprise. Historically, India is a country people come from, with comparatively few heading in the opposite direction. Of its teeming population, some 20,000 to 30,000 are expatriates, although numbers are...

Expat property investors warned to watch out for guaranteed percentage returns

Expat property investors warned to watch out for guaranteed percentage returns
If you’re planning on investing in property overseas, watch out for so-called guaranteed percentage returns. Many expats who’ve saved for their retirements in overseas locations are finding investing in buy-to-let property is more financially rewarding and far less risky than any insurance-linked product pushed by local expat IFAs....

What will the new Philippine ID card mean for potential expats?

What will the new Philippine ID card mean for potential expats?
How will the new Philippines ID card affect expatriates? On the fourth attempt, the Philippine National ID card is expected to be brought in between mid-2020 and mid-2022. It’s the government’s fourth attempt to introduce the national ID card, but how will it effect the large number of expatriate workers and the even larger number of...